The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Fall 2015 | Page 9

It’s incredible how creative KDChi undergraduate chapters can be when it comes to fundraising!

To kick off their fundraising, KDChi's Beta-Alpha Chapter of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign held a successful sweets sale late in their Winter Wonderland Rush Week.

They made cute vanilla and chocolate cake pops, decorated to perfection. Of course--they even matched the chilly Rush Week theme. Along with some hot chocolate, the sale proved to be a hit among the students on campus. Can you believe those sweets and goodies didn’t sit out for long? The ladies of Beta-Alpha sold out!

Talk about multi-tasking, this event raised some cash for the Chapter and gave the Sisters a chance to meet up with potential new member interests.

Too Hot! Too Hot! Too Sweet! Too Sweet!


Continuing the sweet trend, the Beta-Alpha ladies took advantage of the recent Valentine’s Day holiday by hosting a special “lottery” on the Quad. Students purchased custom-made, scratch-off tickets and won from a range of prizes—from chocolates, roses, ring pops, gift cards, custom serenades to even a grand prize of a plush penguin—all offered by the chapter. With each scratch-off ticket priced at just a dollar, who could resist?

A highlight of the “lotto” was when a member of the Omega Delta Phi Fraternity won a custom serenade and requested that Hero by Enrique Iglesias, be sung to his fraternity.

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Submission by Kappa Delta Chi, Beta-Alpha Chapter

Photos by KDChi Beta-Alpha Chapter

Name: Erika Hidalgo

Position: Training and Development Officer, [email protected]

Chapter, School: Lambda, Arizona State University

What advice would you give to a new member: Learn everything you can. Take advantage of the time you have in college as an undergrad. As a new member don't be afraid to hit the ground running and ask questions!!!

Being in Kappa Delta Chi taught me: To question things, not in a "rebel snot nose kid" kind of way, but to understand why things were done a certain way and see how they could be enhanced. It has also taught me that being part of something bigger has a lot of responsibility, so think before you speak.

National Administrative Council & National Officers

Name: Amanda Calton

Position: Risk Management Officer

Chapter, School: Beta Beta, Clarkson University,

What advice would you give to a new member: Be open. Sisters join for all different reasons, but don't let having your sights set on one particular element stop you from enjoying everything that KDChi has to offer.

Being in Kappa Delta Chi taught me: to always be myself and work hard for what I want, regardless of what others may think, because I will always have a family of sisters that has my back.

Name: Bel Pedroza

Position: National Historian/Chaplain, [email protected]

Chapter, School: Alpha Iota initiated, graduated from University of North Texas

What advice would you give to a new member: Time management and enjoy the journey. It might seem to be difficult but lean on you class sisters, big sister, and rosebud because they are all there for you. The New Member process is once in a lifetime and you'll never forget it.

Being in Kappa Delta Chi taught me: To be accepting of not only other but of myself as well. I grew up an only child and being in KDChi I have gained thousands of sisters who I've learned from on personal level and professional level.

Name: Annette Campos

Position: Alumnae Chapter Development Officer (ACDO), [email protected]

Chapter, School: Gamma Chapter, University of Texas, El Paso

What advice would you give to a new member: Cherish your time with your undergrad sisters while you can, it is a completely different experience once you become an alumnae. "It's not four years, It's for life!

Being in Kappa Delta Chi taught me: How to better organize my time, give back to my community, be a leader and learn to work with many different types of personalities.

Name: Evoanna Kelley

Position: Graduate Membership Education Officer, [email protected]

Chapter, School: Delta Alpha Chapter; (Delta Alpha is a national chapter and not affiliated with a specific university). I attended UW-Whitewater for my Bachelor's degree, and attended UW-Milwaukee for my Master's degree.

What advice would you give to a new member: You get what you give, so truly invest in your intake process! Be the type of Sister you want other members to be towards you!

Being in Kappa Delta Chi taught me: Being a Sister of Kappa Delta Chi has demonstrated to me the importance of life-long learning. An opportunity to learn means an opportunity to be refined as a Sister, as a professional, and as a woman; so, take advantage of that! The more you know the better you can serve! Being a Sister of Kappa Delta Chi provides a greater purpose than what YOU can get out it. Being a Sister, and now a Cabinet Officer, continues to enhance my understanding of how important it is to have leaders in the realm of service, and what I can do to serve others better.

Photo by Evonna Kelley