We've always known KDCHi is a diverse sisterhood. When we asked you what your family background is, here is how you answered:
Reprinted wih permission from the Facebook of Connie Ann Tucker
While walking to my gate at the airport, I saw a young mother, looking stressful and becoming tearful, sitting on the floor at the entrance of the restroom. As I got closer, I heard the cries of her young child and become immediately concerned. As best as she could, I saw her muster up strength, gather her belongings, and began walking away with her crying infant. I gently followed and as she paused in the hallway, I told her what I had observed and asked if she and her baby were okay.
She explained she had lost her car keys but that her husband was helping search for them at home, and needed to find somewhere to nurse her crying & hungry infant (who appeared to be less than a month old) before their flight. Remembering my first experience in Chicago last year, when I had traveled away when youngest son was 4 months old, I led her to a family room where she could have privacy to nurse her infant son. She graciously thanked me for showing concern & offering support to her, and as I began walking away, I reached into my luggage and pulled out my personal coin and turned around.
I formerly introduced myself and briefly explained our service initiative this weekend. I gave this young mother a compliment for showing strength for her infant child and herself in a very stressful situation. And as I was giving her the compliment I became tearful, as did she, because I told her that remembered the struggles of becoming a mother and gave her a second compliment of being a beautiful and loving mother. So there we were, two strangers holding hands in a airport, bonded as two mothers showing loving support, brought together by this simple yet wonderful act of kindness from our conference service. She thanked me again and said a prayer for me and we walked away from each other. I thank our conference committee for creating this opportunity to give a young mother support, kindness, and love. (PS I'm in tears as i recount this to you with everyone around me staring lol) #KDChiCon15 #KDXRGV — at Chicago O'Hare International Airport.
Connie is an alumnae of the Alpha Beta chapter & a graduate of The University of Texas - Pan American.
Photo by Connie Ann Tucker - Facebook