A "Typical" Day in the police force goes a lot like...
"There is no typical day! I just know for sure when I get on, that I'm going home that night," says Jennifer. While she knows that no day will be like the last, patrol officer Jennifer Perez is certain that this job provides her with fulfillment and purpose. Delia, a Field Training Officer, gets the opportunity to train others in the field. If you have seen the film Training Day, you have an idea of what Delia does. In the film, Denzel Washington's character takes the new recruit out to show him the ropes on his first day. Unfortunately, Denzel's character turns out to be a corrupt cop. Delia does this, except, according to her, "ethical and nicer." Teaching new recruits how to handle the situations that they will encounter in the field exemplifies leadership and service.
Elizabeth Sosa's work is a bit different. As a Supervisor of Placement, she oversees "placement matches for youth and supervising the youth that are court ordered to residential treatment facility." Her day involves reviewing case history in order to best serve our youth on probation. With her position, it is all about building relationships with the children and their families during the duration of the program. "As a probation officer, being able to build a rapport with the youth and the family will assist in the youth being successful on probation," she says.
Alumni Spotlight
Advisor of the Year
This wonderful advisor works in the Dean of Student office at Texas State University with Omicron chapter as the student code of conduct officer while pursuing her doctoral degree. Her endless support and wisdom has made the biggest difference at the Omicron chapter. Her biggest impact has been her positivity, dedication and wisdom. Iliana has been the biggest role model for Omicron. Congratulations to Iliana Melendez, Kdchi’s advisor of the year.
Alumnae of the Year
Currently serving as the External Recruitment Officer on the National Board, the President of the Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter and as an Advisor for the Sigma Chapter; Andrea Flores enjoys being able to be a part of the sorority on a bigger scale and give back to the organization that has given her so much. This sister is always involved in one way or another. Contratulations to Andrea Flores for being awarded Alumnae of the Year.
Outstanding Chapter of the Year
This chapter has exemplifies our sorority’s motto “Leading with Integrity, United through Service” through their service to their community, campus and sisterhood. This chapter worked with their local philanthropy Kids Against Drugs; which is an afterschool program for low socioeconomic students that creates a safe space. They received the third highest GPA award at their campus for greek organizations and this year won the 2015 Boko Award from the Texas State Dean of Students for Community Engagement. This chapter has helped create a space for the Latin@ community at Texas State. Congratulations to the Outstanding chapter of the year is Omicron.
Outstanding Professional of the Year
This sister was instrumental in the founding of the Alpha Tau chapter at Southwestern University. She joined TFA to go back to her original middle school, the first KIPP in the country. Her dedication to her students and the movement set her apart as she became a leader of the Spanish department in her second year. Now she takes students on annual trips to the Valley to see the immigration system at work. Teaches science, coaches teachers and volunteers her time every weekend helping students gain access to extracurricular activities. We are proud and elated to name Lorena Vega as Outstanding Professional of the Year.
Outstanding Rising Professional
As a recent sister from the University of Utah with a degree in Business Administration, this sister has become an advisor to her chapter and has helped her chapter whenever possible. When she moved to a new state, she became an advisor and supporter for the Beta Eta chapter at Colorado State University - Fort Collins. As she builds her career in Inventory Management she has been a great example to the sisters she supports and we are thankful for sisters like her who support our chapters. Congratulations to our Outstanding Rising Professional of the Year Corina Cortez.
Outstanding undergraduate sister
As a charter member from UC Merced, this sister has worked diligently to bring KDChi to their campus. Her positive support has ensures that her colony has completed everything they needed; all while she logged over 60 community service hours and stayed on the dean’s list. This summer she is interning at the Department of Research at Stanford School of Medicine where she will focus on health-risk behaviors among adolescents. Congratulations to Anabel Razo, Outstanding Undergraduate Sister of the Year.
Chicago 2015
Photo from the Omicron Chapter