Hamilton No. 2
To my fellow rainbow sisters,
Hamilton assembly had been up to a lot lately. We have installed our very first pledge group. These girls are the growth of our assembly and it sure has been nice to have the younger generation around. We had a formal ceremony for the pledge girls which they thought was the coolest thing they had ever saw. We had a little Halloween party the weekend before and just had some craft fun. We also have a dinner for our fellow Masons in December. The girls have decided to have a good drive and adopt a family for this Christmas. Hamilton had been pretty busy lately and hope to see you all soon. Have a great and safe New Year!
In Rainbow love,
Mariah Lund, Worthy Advisor
Sapphira Temple, Daughters of the Nile
Sapphira Temple No. 79 will be holding its annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner on Sunday, March 16. Helena Assembly's Spring Fling clean-up will include setting up the tables and chairs for that event.