The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Being The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Be | Page 27

challenges when you decide it’s time for a pet, and your transition into pet ownership will be much smoother. 6.0 Conclusion Pets provide us with loyalty, companionship, love, and affection, as well as the many physical and mental benefits. They can make our lives feel fuller and happier than ever, teaching us and making us happier and better without even knowing it. The love of an animal is unconditional. References Bradley Smith.(2012) | The ‘pet effect’ - Health related aspects of companion | Australian Family Physician, Retrieved 27 May, 2019 from, Kayla Matthews.(2014) | 9 Ways Pets Improve Our Lives | Huffingtonpost, Retrieved 27 May, 2019 from, our-l_b_6122910.html Pets and their impact on mental health | Beyond Blue, Retrieved 27 May, 2019 from, yourself/pets-and-their-impact-on-mental-health Allen R McConnell. (2011) | Friends with Benefits: Pets Make Us Happier, Healthier | Psychology Today, Retrieved 27 May, 2019 from, benefits-pets-make-us-happier-healthier MANDY OAKLANDER.(2017) | Science Says Your Pet Is Good for Your Mental Health | Time Health, Retrieved 27 May, 2019 from,