The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Being The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Be | Page 20

Studies have also revealed that pet owners feel they receive just as much support from their pets as they do from their family members (see the Psychology Today article above). Much like the example above, people report feeling closer to their pets when they also feel close to important people in their lives. 6. They help make us want to stay healthier It’s really hard to sit on the couch all day and watch TV when your dog or cat is begging for attention. Maybe it’s because of this that studies have shown that pet owners are healthier and more active than non-pet-owners (see the PsycNET article above). Whether you’re dragging a toy around your house for your cat or taking your dog on a casual walk, you’re getting some exercise. Of course, dog owners, especially, are likely to do more walking, which is great for your health and mood. 7. They can help make us less stressed Animal experts like Arden Moore say that simply petting your dog or cat can help reduce your stress.