The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Being The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Well‐Be
The Effects of Animals on Human
Health and Well‐Being
By Lisa Horton
(Pet Expert)
It’s hard to put into words the happiness that a pet can bring someone. You
might be the one caring for your pet but they support and care for you in
unspoken ways. Whether it’s a dog wagging their tail and greeting you at the
door, a cat or bunny snuggled in your lap or a bird singing to you, pets provide
companionship and unconditional affection. The bond you share with a pet
can do a lot to support your mental health. Here are just a few ways pets can
positively impact your wellbeing.
1.0 Introduction
The ‘pet effect’
Health related aspects of companion
Numerous studies indicate that companion animal ownership is associated
with a range of physical, psychological and social health advantages, yet there
is little discussion around the practical ways to integrate companion animals
into healthcare and health promotion.
This article provides a brief summary of the health related aspects of
companion animal ownership, and suggests ways in which general
practitioners can integrate discussions regarding pet interaction into
everyday practice.