The Edmonton Muse May 2017 | Page 11

Where do you plan on taking your career?

I plan on going full out with my career until something forces me to stop (maybe not even then) I will never stop being creative, there’s just no way. I wouldn’t be happy if I had to give up something that makes me so happy. But currently I’m focusing on graduating high school and getting everything together for a new and improved brand release this summer to go along with my 18th birthday and a few new singles!

What are the biggest challenges you have come across so far and how did you overcome them?

One thing I’ve faced as a young musician is people not taking me seriously. It’s better now that I’m 17 and really taking my life into my own hands but when I was 12-15 years old, even though I’d been writing and performing for 3-5 years, people would either underestimate my knowledge about the music industry or they’d give me benefit of the doubt by saying “She’s good for her age.” I’ve always been VERY competitive and very focused on bettering myself and my performances so I never settled for being good for my age, even to today.

As a young and aspiring musician, what would you like to see more of in the scene/industry? Are there any changes you would like to make?

Definitely more female artists that don't feel so disposable. If you ask yourself what women country singers you hear one the radio from a day to day basis, it’s the main 3. Reba, Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood. The newer women on the scene just get thrown in every so often. A lot of music nowadays is very disposable but female country especially. If we could make the switch to start appreciating all music more, that would be just incredible.

Do you have any advice that you would like to give someone that is just starting off?

Talk to everyone and make as many connections as possible. Be nice be authentic! You never know how someone may be able to help you down the road. Or you help them. Remember it’s ok to ask for help. Return the favours, help others and continue to do what you love.

Seventeen is just a number with this young musician. She is ready to take the endeavor of becoming a professional as far as she can. The most admirable thing though, is that she wants to better the industry, create community, and create opportunities for everyone as well. If that isn't worth serious credit of being a professional, I don't know what is. Good job Oliva, we are excited to see what you can do for yourself and those around you in the future!

The Edmonton Muse