The Edmonton Muse June 2017 | Page 47

towards better things only if you take the first step in closing the door that's behind you.

No I'm seeing here in your past Seven of Wands and that is a really lovely card. This is a card full of artistic talent and endeavours and when this pops up in a reading it also signifies victory. We see here with this card that you are definitely artistically inclined and very creative these are gifts that need to be nurtured and not hidden away. Follow the path your gifts bring you to!

Following the Seven of Wands we see The Magician which definitely puts you in the driver's seat of life. The magician manifests whatever his heart desires. If you can dream it you can also create it and the Magician will help you do just that. The magician brings some magic and mystery to all your creative endeavours and allows you to build and bring forth balance.

Now your future cards Cassandra are very exciting I'm very happy to see what you've pulled. First thing I'd like you to know that the energy surrounding you in the next six months is the energy of love. You pull the Seven of Cups which in my deck is the ultimate card of love sensuality sexuality intimacy and romance. This tells me that your love life is about to get a big-time boost of energy in the most pleasant of ways possible! This card is one of my all-time favourites in this deck and I'm very pleased to see that it's the card representing the energy surrounding your future.

we see here under future events The Six of Wands which tells me that your feet are now back on the path they are meant to be on. This is a card where doors are open to you allowing you to find your footing again in an area that you enjoy thoroughly. We're seeing enlightenment learning and things falling very neatly into place for you without a whole lot of effort, synchronicity is the key. You'll want to pay attention to those odd little coincidences that you run into for they're not really coincidences and it's the universe's way of telling you that you are truly on the right path.

Down at the bottom right-hand corner we see your environment card and this is the Three of Wands which is the card that I feel brings a new sense of balance back into your life. you have room to breathe once more because the three of swords allows you to balance the most important things in your life with the things that you enjoy the most. This also signifies a happy and healthy home environment where you do feel comfortable and relaxed. Alternatively it can signify the same in a job situation where getting up to join the rat race every morning is not unpleasant because you actually enjoy what you are doing.

Next in the position of your strengths we see the Four of Cups which is a card of happy gatherings friends family and joyous events. This is a card of blessings so it brings news congratulations and happiness all good reasons for you to gather family and friends together and celebrate. I feel like you yourself are very much a nurturer Cassandra and having your family or friends together all in the same place is something that actually boost your energy and a very big way as you're able to spread your love and caring freely!

Now above your strings we see your hopes or your fears or sometimes both. I honestly feel like they can definitely be the same thing for a lot of us. The really amazing thing here is the card that you pulled in this position is the wish card in this deck! The Knight of Cups tells me that whatever it is you've been really really wanting to see manifest in your life and really wishing for is actually on its way. The card comes with a little bit of a warning though be careful what you wish for because you are actually going to get it. Now with some clients with this card is pulled I actually make them go home and write down three wishes on a piece of paper and then step outside to burn it. Since this is the month of your birthday I can't think of a better time for you to make three wishes so Cassandra I would like for you to please write three things down that you would really like to manifest in your life and then step outside and like that piece of paper on fire so that the universe can bring those wishes back to you.

The final outcome were seeing here is the Three of Pentacles and this is actually a card of abundance and prosperity or pregnancy. This card means a gift and a fairly substantial one as well it can also signify inheritance money or property that is passed down to you. If pregnancy is something that you are indeed hoping for then rest assured your energy for the next six months is prime for this to happen. If pregnancy is not something that you want to see happening in your near future that I do caution you to please be careful for fertility and abundance is definitely surrounding you in these next six months.

I hope you've enjoyed your reading with me Cassandra thank you so much for writing in! I hope your summer is absolutely amazing, blessed be!

Hello and welcome to Quintessential Tarot's reading for June! Cassandra has written in wanting to know more about her finances and love life. We at Edmonton Muse would like to wish her a big happy birthday because Cassandra is in fact a June baby, so happy birthday Cassandra I hope you enjoy your reading!

This month I thought I'd try something a little bit different. In my previous articles I give a break down of each card but I felt like it wasn't really bringing forward the messages the way I wanted so instead of a play by play of card meanings I'n simply going to write this as if you were sitting in front of me.

The Fool is what pops up first in your reading which also happened to be our card of the month! The Fool is here to remind you of how truly strong you are and able to see the good in any situation. If this is the time of turmoil for you and you aren't really sure which direction to take try to relax a little bit and understand that no matter what direction you decide to move in, your outcome is going to be an experience of learning and acceptance. The fool likes to remind us that we can go in any direction we choose and that literally it is only ourselves that can stop us from moving forward.

Next card I'm seeing is the Five of Swords and Cassandra this leads me to believe that you might be in a situation where you're unhappy with the job that you're in and this is a sign that you need to cut this out of your life and move forward. If fear about your financial future is what is keeping you from moving on, try to relax! I see good things coming for you! The five of swords usually pops up if you are repeating something that is unpleasant or staying within a situation or relationship that is no longer serving your highest good. This is actually harming you and lowering your vibration which is stopping you from moving forward. It's OK, you will be fine and it's time to cut the ties. You will feel free to move forward towards better