The Edmonton Muse December 2018 | Page 33

Muse: Why did you choose to attend MC College for training?

Selena: I chose MC because I liked the fact that the training was so hands on. Small classrooms where teachers have the time to help you, and are not bombarded with dozens of students. Also I liked that it was local, rather than going to Vancouver, Toronto or even New York. I’m pretty close with my family, so being around them as much as I can is important to me.

Muse: So tell me a bit about the shows you have done & connections you have made, since your debut in September?

Selena: It has been quite the amazing experience. After the show I competed in the Western Canada Fashion Week “Emerging Designers” competition at the end of September. I did not place, but I gained some awesome experience and great exposure. As a new and upcoming designer, it’s so important to get your name out there. After that show I started following people who work in the local fashion industry, and that I saw during WCFW on Instagram. One of those people contacted me and offered a chance to be in the C-Illuminate Fashion Show (part of the C-Tribe Festival). So of course I was over the moon and agreed right away. At the promotional photo shoot within a few days, I was meeting new models, hair stylists, makeup artists and an awesome photographer. A week and a half later was the show. I really didn’t know what to expect, but it turned out to be even more amazing than I had imagined. My collection was going down the runway with clothing from Rickis, Le Château, Lululemon, Forever21, The Bay and an awesome new active wear company called Veeractive. If that wasn’t flattering enough - they then asked me to close the show which was a huge honor!

Muse: Where can we see your designs coming up in December/January?

Selena: Well right now I am working with a photographer and model taking pictures of each piece of my collection, and launching items for sale through December and January. So that is super exciting! On December 8 I will be showing my collection in the Ethno Fair Fashion Gala. And recently I was told about a fashion show that a treaty gala is putting together later in December, just waiting on confirmation. Then I will be entering the Western Canada Fashion Week Emerging Designer competition in Spring 2019.

Muse: What plans are you making for your brand in 2019?

Selena: AndLeen Designs is going to be all about getting exposure, meeting new people, making new connections in the local fashion industry. Learning from local designers, bloggers and stylists. We will have a Spring collection and a Fall collection. We are going to try to do as many shows as we can and build as many relationships and connections as we can.

Muse: How does it feel to be living your dream and getting attention as an emerging designer in Edmonton?

Selena: Being recognized and getting attention from the local fashion scene is a dream come true! When you finish a program to be in a career that is so demanding, always changing, and very fast paced - it can be very overwhelming and you can catch yourself feeling like maybe you made a mistake. But getting all of this positive attention just confirms that I did make the right move, and that I AM moving in the right direction. I feel very blessed and grateful.

Muse: Let’s close with your take on the current design scene in #yeg?

Selena: I think the fashion and the design scene in #yeg is growing, and the energy around it is so warm and welcoming. For the short time I have been in and around the fashion scene in Edmonton, all I have received is amazing feedback and support. Which is incredible, because I really didn’t know what to expect. Everyone is willing to help each other out, and I feel like that is super important in order for the industry to grow.

-Marni Walker-