The Edmonton Muse December 2017 | Page 55

Card of the Month

Now crossing the Five of Pentacles and sitting in her current events, we see the Ace of Pentacles. To me, this suggests  that her past life debts are in the process of being paid off or have already been paid off, and a brand new direction is now being shown to her. This card can signify a bump up in income, financial gain and prosperity. It is also a good card to see if one is considering starting their own business as this is a very lucky and potentially profitable card to pull.

Sitting in her past events, I see a Fair Haired Gentleman who has blue or green eyes and a very creative streak in him. As he is presenting as a prince I get the feeling that there may have been a little bit of immaturity to deal with, and I very much feel that this person is extroverted and enjoys being the centre of attention. What I feel from this card is genuine affection between Melissa and this person, but also the possibility of a little bit of a temper here. So choose your words wisely when disagreeing with this individual, so you don’t end up hurting his feelings or riling his temper

.Now crossing the Five of Pentacles and sitting in her current events, we see the Ace of Pentacles. To me, this suggests  that her past life debts are in the process of being paid off or have already been paid off, and a brand new direction is now being shown to her. This card can signify a bump up in income, financial gain and prosperity. It is also a good card to see if one is considering starting their own business as this is a very lucky and potentially profitable card to pull.

-- Quin Grace