The Edmonton Muse April 2017 | Page 18

Whether we like it or not, we need to pay attention to what foods we are feeding our bodies. Nutrition can seem daunting, but in actuality, it can be very simple; but not a lot of people know exactly how simple.

I’ve come across so many different diets, meal plans, diet fads, and new diet trends that are constantly being created and recreated to generate interest and to get people to buy into it. This includes tea detoxes, shake replacements, juicing, the kale diet, etc. Any of these sound familiar to you? They all seem so complex and labour intensive.

Media hype will generally make you believe that you’re missing the holy grail of diets and will sell you the idea that you need this diet plan because it has ridiculously amazing results. They show you a godly looking human being and convince you that you could look godly as well if you follow this miraculous diet plan.

But just because they have this ‘athlete’ represent this product, does that actually mean the athlete went through this diet plan and had real results?

When we try out some of these plans, we’re usually following the hype without fully understanding why certain meal plan works and how.

I’ve seen people start very strict meal plans, claim they are healthy, and end up with results completely opposite of what they expected, then blame the creator of a meal plan or the meal plan itself for how unsuccessful they were. Then this may lead to them jumping onto another fad diet plan based purely on the information from friends of friends or media hype Without that knowledge, how can we be successful in obtaining our health goals if we do not learn how to understand the basics of what our bodies need? Most will eventually become discouraged and give up.

This is a very simple breakdown of what our bodies need:

Calories = Macronutrients + Micronutrients

The main things we should be focusing on when it comes to nutrition is making sure that we are getting enough Macronutrients. Those consist of:





It really is that simple. This is all you need to start.

As you dive a little deeper after the understanding of how much your body needs of these four macros, then you can dive a little more into the micronutrients. But to start, macros are really all you need.

Aradia Fitness offers alternative fitness in a fun, safe, supportive and non-judgmental environment where we are all different ages and sizes to get fit and have fun. Classes and parties are taught by people just like you! It is about a community of men and women that are growing in strength, confidence and empowering each other to reach goals in their lives that they thought were unattainable.

The Nutrician Formula