The Eddietor Issue #1 | Page 5

NATCON 2013 (28th June – 3rd July) – Marks not only the beginning of a new term for AIESEC Malaysia but as well as AIESEC in UTP. AIESEC National Convention is an annual convention which gather all AIESEC local entities in Malaysia under one roof and this time Universiti Teknologi Malaysia became the proud host of this prestige event. This time of the year, all new elected leaders of every AIESEC entities in Malaysia gather at this convention to determine the direction of AIESEC Malaysia and equip themselves with knowledge in order to serve better the organization. NATCON do es also offer every delegate an opportunity to engage with leaders and build their network. The main highlight of this year’s NATCON is after 3 years of establishment, AIESEC in UTP have now been promoted into a full status Local Committee. It was a dream come true for many AIESECers especially the pioneer team of AIESEC UTP and to the previous term members. Joining AIESEC UTP as a full status entity was also AIESEC in University Nottingham. And it was also another remarkable day for Universiti Malaysia Sarawak as they became an official extension of AIESEC Malaysia and were added to the big AIESEC family. In short, this year NATCON delivered a whole new experience to every delegate who was a part of it. Making every delegate believe they have a bigger role to play not only in their respective entities but to AIESEC Malaysia at the same time. NATCON 2013 officially lifted the curtain for a new start and cheers to AIESEC UTP in their process to realize their goals and aims. N A T C…from N eyes of an LCP O the 5