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POLITICS 2 minimum salaries as a technician. If in the future The growing income inequality, lowing rates of each one of them has a family, the children of the first economic mobility, and expanding work instability lead father will earn in average 76% more than the children to many people to struggle desperately for paying for of the second, andthe children of the second 76% food, housing, education, and transportation. Surviving in more than the first. Now, think of a father that earns this environment carries a big challenge for any society less than the minimum salary or is under the poverty that pretends to fix itself from a long conflict. The line, their children will be under the earnings of the Colombian peace process was a good start, but if the first, second, and third for a long time,inclusive during mentioned and other problems are not solved, in several generations. Therefore, in Colombia, the Colombia, there will subsist a fertile area for social moving up is hard and for some parts of the discomfort, unhappiness and probably new illegal armed population, nearly impossible, and it is certainly a groups will emerge. There are many issues to tackle. So, difficult environment to reduce poverty. we need to work hard to create a truly peaceful, egalitarian, fair, wealthy, and modern Colombia. To go deep Central Intelligence Agency. (2019). The World Factbook 2019. Washington, DC: CIA. López, E. (2014). Precariedad laboral en Colombia 1990-2013. Enfoques teóricos y consecuencias socioeconómicas. In Vestigium Ire. 1 (7):40-54. The socio-economic Mobility. Taken and edited from The economist. Mobility Measured. Feb 1st 2014. Washington D.C Third, in Colombia, job quality is deteriorating. Since the first years of the 1990s decade a flexible job market has been implemented (Lopez, OECD. (2018). The only way is up? Social mobility and equal opportunities. Paris: OECD publishing. Presidencia de la República. (2016) Preámbulo, Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera. November 24th, 2016. 2013). Nowadays in the job market, for most of us is usual to be employed at a fixed-term like 3, 6 or less than 12 months. Alongside there is an extensive framework of labor-hour and service provision contracts. However, there was a time where the indefinite term contract was the rule, allowing to the workers get a pension, a house, a car and provide high education to children. The Colombian labor market flexibilization has led to a drop in the salaries, a worker with indefinite-term contract earns on average 43% more than a worker with definite contract. Furthermore, in this context, the Colombian employees and their families have gotten a lack of stability, degraded their lifestyle, and been injured their physical and mental integrity. TEM |   21 December 2019