The East Community Guide - Gainesville, FL July 2018 The East Community Guide | Page 4
Pamela D. Koon’s: Mothering and
the DNA of fear
Pamela D. Koons is executive director of At The WELLness
Network Inc.
I am inspired yet perplexed by quotations that flood social
media with the intent of lifting up women. These quotes
receive thousands of “likes” by readers, including me.
Women are the creator of life and shouldn’t need to be
affirmed by external voices when life begins in their wombs.
Yet women have been forced to plead a case for equality
and recognition to decision-makers who were born in the
womb of a woman.
At the risk of being viewed as an insensitive African-
American woman, I understand Kanye West’s recent
controversial statement. West has received criticism for
saying that Africans remained slaves because they wanted
to be slaves.
I was not upset nor offended. Kanye failed to explain, if he
knows, why his statement has validity. The power of the
“DNA of fear” is real and scientifically documented.
This DNA of paralyzing fear passed through generations of
African slaves subjected to brutality, rape, lynching and the
separation of families. This inhuman treatment inflicted
psychological damage to the victims and their descendants.
This DNA of fear kept thousands of slaves under control
even though they outnumbered their oppressors. If there
was any sign that the physical and mental degradation left
an ounce of courage to resist, that courage was met with
torture and beatings.
These events sent a message to those witnessing that you
must suppress resistance and relinquish to the authorities
with whips and chains. After the Emancipation
Proclamation, some former slaves returned to the plantation
of oppression and fear, because they had no place to go, no
skills to manage life on their own and it was the slaves’