The East Community Guide - Gainesville, FL December 2018 | Page 15

Fall 2018 Greetings! This letter is to introduce and present St. Phillips Lodge #55, an affiliate with the Masonic Fraternal Organization. For more than 30 years, the Masonic Fraternal Organization’s mission leading goal has been to provide resources and assistance to less fortunate children who need financial support in the community. Since its inception, St. Phillips Lodge #55 has touched the lives of thousands of people with a focus on socioeconomically disadvantaged children and their families. St. Phillips’ community giving efforts include holiday gift sharing, back-to-school drives, and other resource enrichment initiatives. Moreover, in 1997, St. Phillips created a toy drive with the hope to share the joy and love of Christmas with needy children. At that time, St. Phillips gave gifts baskets to approximately 25 children in the pediatric ward at Shands hospital. Now, more than 20 years later, the gift basket giving has evolved into an annual “Unity in the Community” Christmas celebration; whereas last year, more than 500 children received toys and indulged in fun and games, face painting, train rides, and a magic show. Free food and beverages were also given to the children and their families who attended the event. This year, St. Phillips has set a lofty goal for the “Unity in the Community’ Christmas celebration in which 750 children are to receive gifts. Your generosity is needed to assist St. Phillips with reaching it goal. Will you help? If you would like help. Please donate an unwrapped toy or bicycle for boys and girls in the various age stages from 5 years to 15 years. If you prefer to make a monetary donation, please use the PayPal or Cash App. If you would like to submit a check, please make the check payable to: St. Phillips Lodge #55 and send your donation to the address above. Nevertheless, if you desires to have your toy or monetary donation picked up, please contact St. Phillips Lodge #55 officers, Ronaldo Smith at (352) 262-3027 or Eldred Lewis (352) 256-6739, so proper arrangements may be made. All gifts and donations are needed by Monday, December 17 th . In advance, St. Phillips Lodge #55 deeply appreciates your willingness to furnish financially needy families in our local community with Christmas presents and cheer that they would not receive otherwise. The 2018 “Unity in the Community” Christmas celebration is scheduled for Saturday, December 22 nd at Wilson Robinson Pavilion in Archer, Florida. St. Phillips Lodge #55 is confident that with your help, this event will be a success and make a world of difference to those who will be served. Best regards, Ronaldo Smith, Worship Master St. Phillips Lodge #55 15