The Doppler Quarterly Winter 2018 | Page 86

training program is a four phase life cycle: • Assess — Determine existing skill gaps, learning objectives and certifica- tion tracks • Communicate — Broadcast curriculum tracks, knowledge sharing opportunities and expert networks • Celebrate — Reward and recognize those that participate • Measure — Establish online portals and dashboards to report training participation and to track cloud specialists Key Activity 6: Start building cloud and demonstrating value fast This is the execution portion of the transformation, where you start to iterate and increment your demonstrable cloud solution. As opposed to a design- then-build “Big-Bang” technology project, the more successful path is to break the problem into small changes. This is where you introduce the Minimal Viable Cloud (MVC) methodology. An Cloud Capability MVC Self Serve MVC Pilots Quick Wins • G  ather a team of early adopters • M  igrate a low risk cloud friendly app • Migrate more applications, gradually testing more controls and automation • Add new process and people integraton on small scale • Be flexible to Pivot based on pain points and feedback • P  rovide the means for self adoption (Pull change!) • F  ederate tools and processes experts / knowledge to migrate at scale • P  ush change away from the center • S  upport people to adopt new org