How to get past obstacles and avoid
roadblocks stalling your cloud journey.
Cloud transformations are often referred to as “journeys,” with starting points and rea-
sonably well-defined destinations. They begin with assessments, plans, foundational
initiatives and workload migrations. The journeys do not officially have an endpoint, but
successful ones do eventually arrive at a place where organizations fully embrace auto-
mation, and follow a right mix approach, where cloud is a viable option in their active
Somewhere along this continuum, between adopting and scaling, cloud journeys can
take some interesting, sometimes awkward, sometimes inspirational turns. It is when the
rubber hits the road and organizations begin to truly start leveraging the power of the
cloud that they gain the most confidence and speed.
But if organizations are not careful, this stretch can introduce any number of issues,
causing the team to lose their way, make mistakes and miss both internally � and exter-
nally - imposed deadlines. They can lose focus on the overall transformation plan – and
on the stakeholders responsible for executing portions of the plan. This stage is an
important part of the journey that organizations must navigate through.
How do you know if you are on the right track to success? What are the signs that you
are stuck, and struggling to make progress? What does success look like at this point in
your cloud journey? And what can you do to make sure you stay pointed in the right
One way you can check your organization’s progress is to evaluate the current state of
your cloud adoption initiative according to four basic criteria: the establishment of a
DevOps culture, data gravity, economics and innovation. Are you meeting your objec-
tives in these four areas? Are you following best practices and pushing each area to the
point where you can safely say that you can see your desired destination? Let us take a
closer look at how each of these measures applies.