The Doppler Quarterly Special Edition 2019 | Page 11

With a successful cloud transformation, come several key elements that can accelerate growth for the organization: • Agility – An organization’s ability to respond to new competitive threats and market conditions is a key measure of its cloud transformation maturity. The abil- ity to quickly consume new technologies and apply them to market conditions is an important characteristic of successful players across markets. • Innovation – A company can live and die on the ideas its staff can come up with and quickly incubate into products. A cloud mature organization with a learning culture can encourage staff to try new things, test new products and fail fast. • Cost Optimization – Cost savings are no longer the focus, as the ability to opti- mize cost to market conditions emerges. Cloud mature organizations can mea- sure their investment against key value chains and determine if that investment is optimized based on the company’s P&L. • Fail Fast – An organization’s ability to rapidly try new ideas, learn from them and iterate is a key element of a successful cloud transformation. Most important is the ability for an organization to respond positively to failed projects, take the learnings and share them with the wider organization. Encouraging risk taking is critical to rapid innovation. • Recruiting Top Talent – Organizations define success by the talent they can hire and nuture internally. Recruiting in today’s fast-paced world is significantly differ- ent from traditional recruiting for IT positions. Organizations must focus on find- ing people who are adaptive, self-learning, highly engaged and dynamic. These traits ensure individuals evolve with the company, demanding improvement in everything they do and lifting the organization during their tenure. Upon the successful transition to a modern approach to technology, organizations will be able to quickly move from idea to pilot projects to production, as the benefits of their new capabilities are realized. The value of this complex and often long cloud transfor- mation is in creating an organization that can execute at a higher rate of speed, learn from failures and constantly improve, while developing a pool of talent that is always looking for new ways to improve and innovate. Written by Joey Jablonski, former CTO of Cloud Technology Partners (CTP) and cur- rently VP of Data Engineering & Analytics at iHeartMedia. SPECIAL EDITION 2019 | THE DOPPLER | 9