The Doppler Quarterly Fall 2019 | Page 69

kind: FederatedService metadata: name: fed-svc-1 namespace: fed-ns-1 spec: .template: ... placement: clusters: e name: cluster A e name: cluster B e name: cluster D kind: FederatedService metadata: name: fed-svc-2 namespace: fed-ns-1 spec: .template: ... placement: clusters: e name: cluster A e name: cluster C e name: cluster D Kubernetes federation controller (kubefed) Worker Nodes fed-svc-1 fed-svc-2 Worker Nodes Federation Host Cluster A fed-svc-1 fed-svc-2 fed-svc-1 fed-svc-2 Worker Nodes Worker Nodes Worker Nodes Member Cluster B Member Cluster C Member Cluster D Service Mesh Model While KubeFed uses federated resource types to propagate resources across member clusters, products like Google Anthos or Banzai Cloud PKE use Istio multicluster fea- tures and config management operators to enable multi-cluster pod connectivity. With the service mesh model, the deployments are managed on the individual clusters, but the service-to-service cross-cluster traffic is managed by the Istio control plane. Istio deploys the sidecar proxy with each pod, and Istio multi-cluster enables pod-to-pod connectivity across clusters. Istio multi-cluster can be deployed with a single control plane, or multiple control planes for each environment. FALL 2019 | THE DOPPLER | 67