The Doppler Quarterly Fall 2018 | Page 27

AWS Azure Replatform No Strategy calculated DC Consolidation Rehost Figure 3: Recommended Migration Pattern Figure 4 shows all the topics in the corresponding domains that influenced the suitability score. For example, licensing, operating system, database and net- working played major roles in determining the suitability and migration pat- tern for a specific platform. Operational Technical Security Architecture 100% Automation 80% 100% Logging 80% Operating System 60% 40% Performamce 60% 40% Elasticity 20% Redundancy Networking 20% Licensing Database Backup Middleware Storage Networking Identity Management Figure 4: Domains and Topics Let us look at some common reasons for specific migration patterns. Rehost In a rehost migration scenario, the application is moved “as is.” Even though some infrastructure-level changes may have to be done due to the underlying platform change, the application does not undergo any changes. The following are the general criteria describing an application suitable for a rehost migration pattern when the current infrastructure platform has to change: • Time constraints associated with alternative options • Customized off-the-shelf applications — apps that require manual instal- lation and cumbersome configuration due to lack of a deployment pack- age and automation, cannot easily be broken down into individual com- ponents or services FALL 2018 | THE DOPPLER | 25