The Doon Mozaic, Swachh Bharat and Dilemma of Dehradun Swacch Bharat and Dilemma of Dehradun | Page 10

the cleanliness of the city is also the main cause of the degrading water level of the Naini Lake. Use of Styrofoam utensils and disposable glass in Nainital has caused a severe impact on the lifestyle of Nainital. From small to big hotels in the region are using the Styrofoam and polythene bags which are non- degradable and hence are burnt in the outskirts of the city. With increasing traf- fic and orthodox methodology of waste disposal, the local average temperature of Nainital has increased up to five degrees. Another perspective to this decrease in water level in Naini Lake is the sewage waste disposal system. During our team’s visit, a sewage filtration system was established by Payjal Nigam in co- operation with IIT Delhi. With aeration system equipped by KMVN for prevent- ing the eutrophication of lakes. The requirement of aeration system rose when the algae formation in water of Naini Lake was observed by several scientists. The conclusion of many research conducted by scientists was against the sew- age dumping. After such an extensive scholarly research, discharge of sewage in Naini Lake is still on site progress. Our team found five openings in all over the lake which is abusing the aura of this beautiful town. Since 2014, after the initi- ation of Swacha Bharat Abhiyan in India, not a single underground dustbin is established in this region. Lastly when the major efforts were executed to save Naini Lake, it was in 2012 that’s when aeration of the lake was started. The in- crease in local average temperature and greenhouse effect on water surface has led to disastrous evaporation of lake’s water. Marches for social awareness were held to save Naini Lake’s water level. People are still in hope of seasonal mon- soon to recharge the water level of the lake. Floating plastic bags and solid non- degradable waste in Nainital’s lake is the dark reality of this region. A well- educated tourist also shows uncivil behaviour in this kind of tourist spots. Not considering Nainital seriously in Swacha Bharat Abhiyan can pay the humans of their deeds. There is a possibility that the town will suffer from severe water crises in upcoming decades.With un-regularised tourist input in such a con- strained area is also a problem of concern, the congestion caused by a large number of private transport in Mall road is also the region of the high-carbon footprint in the region. To earn a considerable revenue, Uttarakhand may be purely dependent on tourism but, to neglect the futuristic approach while