The Doon Mozaic (Hypocrisy in Education System of Uttarakhand) Hypocrisy in Education System of Uttarakhand | Page 3

Editor’s Note Every year we observe the season of results and admissions in educational insti- tutions. Only a handful of students get clearance and success in the examina- tions while the rest suffer from disappointment and their expectations are turned to dust . Our parents always have a better option for us but, these better options are not of our choice. Engineering, medical and management are some of the common streams in which millions of aspirants get admitted. With a failure rate of 65 % in engineering, the major private institutes leave a lot of batch unem- ployed, unskilled and uncertain about future. The top private universities of Ut- tarkhand are demanding a ransom of 20 lacks for an Engineering course but, these private colleges fail to provide a secure placement to the students. Isn’t it conning? The hypocrisy lies within the society, we prefer private institutions for educations, English medium schools for Boards but Government services as far as jobs are concerned which is driven by Hindi as an official language! Uttarakhand has been suffering from the same illusion, while most of the pri- vate schools hunt for high donations during admissions, parents sacrifice their money for the sake of social standards made by hypocritical people in our neighbourhood. Considering academic marks and percentages as a proof of “intelligence” is the biggest illusion of the society in Dehradun and Uttarak- hand. It’s good to score great marks but, with an education system which plays with the psychological level of students is leading us to an unhealthy competi- tion. With reservation to various minority groups and tribes in education sys- tem, the competition has only worsened. Less opportunities for majority and general category is the reason of increasing crime rate and increased immigra- tion from the remote hills of Uttarakahand. We tried to cover fifteen percent of this vast topic in this issue, the upcoming issue of January 2018 will be containing another volume related to the same subject. Keep following us !! Happy reading! Nitin Chandola (Editor in Chief)