Around CLCNY
Congratulations!!! - On October 10th we held our 6th annual Employee Recognition and Volunteer Appreciation (E.R.V.A.)
celebration. CLCNY Board President Stephen Rinehart, Esq. opened the celebration by welcoming all attendees and honorees. Judge and fomer CLCNY employee Hon. Llinet Rosado gave remarks in honor of the hard work and dedication that
the entire CLCNY staff gives to our clients and mission. Honorees were given certificates of appreciation for their five and
ten years anniversaries while volunteers were highlighted for their contributions to CLCNY. Additionally included in the
celebration was a honrable mention to our senior staff. Staff, volunteers and guests shared laughs and delicious food during
this event on a well deserved night. Thank you to all who attended the event and to the BAR Events Committee for organizing this great event.
CLCNY Staff Members Contribute to the 2013 Fashion Collision
Genevieve Tahang-Behan, Esq.
Early this Spring CLCNY’s BAR (Balance and Renew) Events Committee coordinated a “Dress Drive” to help make a young
women’s dream of attending their prom come true. Items were donated to L.A.C.E. Leadings Ladies, a not for profit organization based out of Brooklyn who give young women all across the city, who are less fortunate, an opportunity to collect a
free graduation or prom dress.
CLCNY staff contributed an array of dresses, suits, shirts, shoes, and accessories. There were even a few ties and dress shirts
for the young men as well! Your generosity was overwhelming. Here are some pictures of what was collected!
The items we collected were distributed at the Fashion Collision event hosted by L.A.C.E. on Saturday, May 4th at C.S. 21
located at 180 Chauncey Street, Brooklyn, New York. This event was open to all high school young ladies and young men.
A special thank you to BAR Events Committee members Charles Simpson (City), Rhonda Albright (Bronx) and Natasha
Wollaston Stewart (Bronx) who helped to organize the event.
Fall/Winter 2013 CLCNY? 21?