The Docket September 2021 | Page 9


SOUTH COUNTY DIVISION What to expect , or not , for the new Bar year

It is with much anticipation , anxiety , and uncertainty that I look forward to serving as President of the South County Division for 2021-2022 . Anticipation , because I enjoy working with other board members in the South County Division to serve our members and the community . Anxiety because until just a few weeks ago , we all looked forward to in- person meetings and socializing for the first time since late 2019 or early 2020 . Unfortunately , there is once again a spike in Covid-19 cases , the CDC is encouraging the wearing of face masks , and the Sarasota County Bar Association is reevaluating in-person meetings . Hence , uncertainty as to what the coming year will look like for our typical events .

I would like to recognize and thank Tony Mowry for serving as SCD President during the last year . Tony , like Jennifer Grosso as President of the SCBA Board , had the unenviable task of serving during the pandemic , when planning for events was an exercise in futility , Zoom meetings were the norm , and they were short . Nevertheless , Tony kept us focused on our responsibilities as board members , always with a positive attitude and the hope that we would make it through the pandemic to a state of normalcy . Despite the current rise in Covid-19 cases , we look forward to planning for this year ’ s events , and we welcome all Sarasota County Bar Association members to attend . For too long , our interactions have consisted of viewing one another in square boxes on our computer monitor . Hopefully , Michael Chabon ’ s adage , “ Man plans , God laughs ,” will not be an omen for our plans . Our Kickoff Dinner is in the process of being scheduled for mid-October ( pending Covid cases ) at Plantation Golf & Country Club . In addition , we are planning for the South County Train Depot Social for November 19 , the Venice Wine & Coffee Social in February , the Sporting Clays event on
Pat Reilly , Esq . Snyder and Reilly
March 4 , 2022 , a golf tournament in April , and the Snake Island picnic in June . Last , but certainly not least , in December , we will thank the court staff with a party at the South County Courthouse . In 2020 , we were forced to cancel the portion of the party attended by attorneys and their staff , and provided the courthouse staff with lunch and treats . This year , with a little help from vaccinations , herd immunity , etc ., we can once again attend the party and celebrate the last year in the “ old ” courthouse .
We also look forward with much excitement to a historic event in South County : the opening of the new South County Courthouse , hopefully in the Spring of next year . We greatly appreciate the efforts of Judge Charles E . Williams , Judge Kimberly C . Bonner , Judge Hunter Carroll , Beth Waskom , Charles Hines , and the many others who worked tirelessly to make the new facility a reality . As a part of the Kickoff Dinner in September , Judge Carroll will provide us with an update on the construction , the target date for opening and other information regarding the courthouse . Regular updates on the status of the courthouse will be provided in this column as they are available .
It is my goal for this year to have greater involvement of our attorneys in the community . I have no doubt that many of our members are actively involved in the South County community , but I would like to see our members adopt a non-profit organization , preferably something children or veteran related . There are many worthy organizations providing services to those in need , and collectively we have the skills , and an obligation , to assist them . There is also a greater need , and an opportunity , for more pro bono assistance in South County . In that regard , Evelyn Moya of Cenacle Legal Services will attend one of our Board meetings this year to discuss the needs in our community , and how we can be of assistance . If Evelyn is reading this , it is probably the first time she is aware of our invitation .
Law Day this year was celebrated on May 1 , 2021 , although because of Covid , we were unable to meet with school classes in our community . The theme for the year is “ Advancing the Rule of Law Now .” As noted on the ABA website , “ The rule of law is the bedrock of American rights and liberties — in times of calm and unrest alike . The 2021 Law Day theme — Advancing the Rule of Law , Now — reminds all of us that we the people share the responsibility to promote the rule of law , defend liberty , and pursue justice .” Members of SCD have in the past accepted the opportunity to speak to classes of students here in South County . In 2022 , we should strive to have more members take advantage of that opportunity , as it is our responsibility to participate in the education of our youth and promote the law . I am confident that our members will meet the challenges to be faced in the coming year , and I thank them for selecting me as their leader .


Continued from Page 3 are all great options to bring your kids in on the fun and maybe teach them ( and you ) about a new culture !
I hope this article inspires you to take a critical look at the media you are consuming and identify ways to diversify what you and your families absorb . If you are not a big reader , consider the movies , TV shows , podcasts , sportscasters , and social media accounts that you engage with . A quick google search can always help introduce you to new creators to add to your list . And who knows maybe you will pick up a few new words in Spanish along the way !