The Docket September 2021 | Page 11

Committee formed to raise money for bayfront public art project

New chair has big plans for the CDI

By ILYAS SAYEG Chair , Council for Diversity and Inclusion

It is with great excitement that I step into the role of Chair for the SCBA ’ s Council for Diversity and Inclusion ( CDI ). I ’ ve had the distinct honor of serving with passionate stalwarts for equality on this Council . One example is our immediate past chair , the Hon . Karimu

Hill-Harvey ( Ret .). To help fill a void created by the CDI ’ s transition from its previous form as the Diversity Committee , she volunteered to take the helm for an extra year . Her two years of service included dealing not only with the pandemic , but the increased cultural awareness of injustices perpetrated against minorities , like the murder of George Floyd and many others . With Judge Hill Harvey ’ s leadership , the CDI pivoted to put on timely and poignant “ remote ” Town Halls discussing these difficult issues . These panels eschewed the unfortunate political assumptions which typically cloud such discussions . Of poignance , personally , was the November 2020 “ Policing Our Community ” program . Particularly , the civility and understanding going both ways between civil rights advocates and Sheriff Hoffman . In a world of hopelessly divided politics , it was great to see that when people of different backgrounds cut through the politics and sit down for a discussion , they can actually agree on what matters and work together to craft solutions .
Moving forward , I hope that over the next year the Council for Diversity and Inclusion can continue to foster important discussions among our members as we continue our efforts to increase both diversity ( think : the number of diverse individuals ) and inclusion ( think : the number who are promoted to leadership positions ) within our ranks . These efforts will come
Ilyas Sayeg Chair , Council for Diversity and Inclusion
through a variety of means in addition to Town Halls . First , as everyone in this Bar should be aware , every year the CDI awards up to $ 5,000 to a diverse law student through the Richard R . Garland Diversity Scholarship Program . The Program has awarded roughly $ 150,000 in its existence and helped ensure the retention of diverse talent in our local Bar . Through herculean fundraising efforts of many in our members over the last year , ( a big thank you to Chip Gaylor ) we now have an endowment fund that will allow us to honor the late Richard Garland ’ s commitment to diversity in perpetuity .

Further , the CDI will continue its great work with the Booker High School Law Academy , including through a partnership with the program where each student in the academy is paired with a mentor who is a member of the SCBA . Likewise , we will continue working with all area schools through our Pipeline Project , in which we work to ensure that diverse students growing up here with an interest in the law return here to practice . This year , one large effort in this arena will be the “ Path to Unity ” project . This project , spearheaded

Committee formed to raise money for bayfront public art project

The SCBA board recently approved the formation of a fundraising committee for the purpose of raising funds for an exciting new public art project permanently installed in Bayfront Park . The project will be commissioned by the Diversity Public Art Project committee under the umbrella of the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota County and will be installed immediately adjacent to the space used annually for the Embraces Our Differences billboard art display . The goal of the fundraising committee authorized by the SCBA is to assist in Sarasota ’ s commitment to inclusivity as well as have the SCBA be recognized for the contributions of its members to that goal . by The Florida Bar and its Diversity Committee ( chaired by our own Charlie Ann Syprett ), highlights legends of The Florida Bar who have fought for equality and civil rights within Florida and the Florida Bar . On February 7 , 2022 , the SCBA , through the CDI , will host a major event highlighting these legends . SCBA members and high school students will be in attendance . Through a collaboration with the school system , these students will already be introduced to the story of these local legends as they learn about the seminal Supreme Court holdings that shaped civil rights in our country .

Additionally , and as an outcome of our January 2020 remote Town Hall titled “ Race , Mental Health , and the Criminal Justice System ,” we have put together a task force , chaired by Judge Erika Quartermaine and Jay Castle , to organize a “ Mental Health Summit .” This program aims to bring together an interdisciplinary array of local policymakers to investigate proactive approaches to improving both mental health treatment and the disparate impact on race within the criminal justice system .

We continue to face great challenges when it comes to diversity and inclusion . I believe that much of this comes from a belief that one ’ s own views are not only correct but also complete . Political leaders and talking heads play these entrenched views against each other for easy votes and ratings . However , we are colleagues . And we are neighbors . Let us not treat disagreement as an opportunity for division but an opportunity for perspective .
To that end , I hope that over the next year as the Chair for the Sarasota County Bar Association ’ s Council for Diversity and Inclusion , I can continue the CDI ’ s efforts to further Diversity and Inclusion , but also to foster
See CDI , Page 19