You are cordially invited to the
13th Annual RED MASS
For judges , lawyers , lawmakers , their families , and staff
Thursday , October 21 , 2021 @ 5:30 PM St . Martha Catholic Church 200 N . Orange Avenue
Sarasota , FL 34236
Celebrated by : Most Rev . Frank J . Dewane
Please send your RSVP for the Mass to : Deacon Paul Consbruck ( paul @ adoptfla . com ) 941-966-6706 Before October 15 , 2021
For inclusion in the online Directory of Catholic Lawyers , please send your business card and $ 50 membership fee payable to “ Catholic Lawyers Guild ” to :
Catholic Lawyers Guild c / o Paul Consbruck , Esq . 871 Venetia Blvd , Ste 220 Venice , FL 34285-8049
For Sponsorship Opportunities , please contact Jeanne M . Bennett , Esq . ( jeanne @ obrienbennett . com ) 941-316-9200