Continued from Page 15 for ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment by : registering people to vote , sending a copy of the 19th Amendment to people , asking a teacher to spend instruction time on a suffrage issue , research voting rights in other countries , listening to a podcast or viewing a program / movie on equal rights , and sharing with others .
During October , we must remind women about the importance of breast health and voting as we celebrate the progress we ’ ve made . Let ’ s make 2020 the greatest turnout for mammograms and to voting booths . For more information , visit the American Cancer Society website
Welcome , new members !
The following represents each new member ’ s name , law school , year of admission to The Florida Bar , and law firm association .
n Andrew Cuturic : Cleveland Marshall College of Law ; 2019 ; Attorney at Law
n Shelli Freeland Eddie : University of Kentucky ; 2004 ; The Freeland Eddie Law Group , P . A .
n Daniel Hoffman : Brandeis School of Law ; 2000 ; McConnaghhay , Coorod , Pope , Weaver & Stern , P . A .
n Laura Knights : Roger Williams University ; 2016 ; Law Office of Wells | Olah , P . A .
n Richard Loudermilk : Emory University School of Law ; 2001 ; Loudermilk Law Firm , P . A .
n Barbara Negron : Stetson University ; 2018 ; Lutz , Bobo & Telfair , P . A .
Affiliate Members n Laura Calderon : Boyer & Boyer , P . A . n Brenda Guilinger : GarciaDell , P . A . n Debbie Hanke : Williams Parker Harrison Dietz & Getzen n Jennifer Hawkins-Dyrda : Williams Parker Harrison Dietz & Getzen n Shelly Krauss : H . Greg Lee , P . A . n Susan Narring : GarciaDell , P . A . n Renee Reedy : Marjorie Schmoyer Attorney at Law n Michelle Scott : Archbold Law Firm , P . A . n Malora Shaw : The John Chapman Law Firm , P . A .
at cancer . org / breastcancer or call 1-800-227-2345 and the American Bar Association website at https :// www . americanbar . org / groups / public _ education / programs / 19thamendment-centennial /
Recommended books : Why They Marched : Untold Stories of the Women Who Fought for the Right to Vote by Susan Ware ; Roses and Radicals : The Epic Story of How Women Won the Right to Vote by Susan Zimet ; 100 Years of the Nineteenth Amendment : An Appraisal of Women ’ s Political Activism , Edited by Holly H . McCammon and Lee Ann Banaszak ; The Women ’ s Hours : The Great Fight to Win the Vote by Elaine Weiss .
n Tammy Skonie : Williams Parker Harrison Dietz & Getzen n Mindy Wengerd : Williams Parker Harrison Dietz & Getzen
Managing jury trials in the face of COVID-19
As many of you may know , jury trials have resumed
for criminal cases as we have transitioned to Phase 2 , as defined by the Florida Supreme Court , in the 12 th Judicial Circuit . Beginning the week of September 14 th , jurors were summonsed to appear for jury trials .
From my perspective , a significant change in the juror excusal and postponement process took place . The Supreme Court of Florida has authorized additional reasons for juror excusals and postponements to enhance juror safety , mitigate the spread of COVID-19 , and to address hardships related
Karen E . Rushing Clerk of Court and County Comptroller
to the ongoing pandemic . For the convenience of prospective jurors , we have made available on the Clerk ’ s website ,
www . SarasotaClerk .
com , a supplemental juror excusal or postponement request form related to COVID-19 . This request form allows a prospective juror to fax , mail or email the form , avoiding the need to physically come to the Court to be excused .
Excusals of a potential juror include those who :
n Indicates that he or she does not meet the court ’ s Phase 2 screening requirements for courthouse entry as established in the circuit ’ s operational plan . The screening will include a temperature check . Persons who have a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater or who answer affirmatively to any of the below , shall not be allowed to enter the facility .
1 . Do you have any of the following symptoms ( excluding those due to a known medical reason )?
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Chills
• Muscle pain
• Sore throat
• New loss of taste or smell 2 . Are you currently awaiting the results of a test to determine if you have COVID-19 ? 3 . Are you under instructions to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19 ?
4 . Have you had close contact with someone with a COVID-19 diagnosis or who is awaiting test results for COVID-19 ?
5 . Have you traveled to an area with a notably high concentration of COVID-19 cases ? n Is at higher risk for severe illness due to COVID-19 infection as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) and requests to be excused ; n Cares for a child or relative whose regular care See CLERK , Page 18
The Docket · October 2020 17