THE DOCKET November/December 2021 | Page 15

Photo : NBC News - Several years after the 9 / 11 attacks , Islamophobia remains on the rise in America . The 9 / 11 attacks – carried out by 19 Islamic extremists – have no doubt changed how Muslim- Americans are perceived in this country , and those feelings have simmered for years .
Can the law firm you refer your Personal injury Cases to answer yes to these 10 questions ?
1 . Does the attorney try cases several times each year ? 2 . Does the attorney have the ability to show you recent trial results ?
3 . Does the attorney have over 20 years of experience working for the insurance companies so that they have gained an insight into how to oppose and / or sue the insurance companies ?
4 . Is the attorney Board Certified in Civil Trial Law ? 5 . Is the attorney AV rated by Martindale Hubbell ?
6 . Does the attorney have the financial strength to take on significant injury cases ?
7 . Is the attorney located in the 12th judicial circuit ?
8 . Will the attorney pay you a referral fee in accordance with the rules regulating the Florida Bar on every case no matter how big or small ?*
9 . Is the attorney available to speak with you at any point during the referral to give you status updates as you request ?
10 . Is the attorney willing to take on challenging cases that other law firms or attorneys may not be willing to handle or would turn down
due to the amount of work involved ?
refer your Cases to the mallard law firm , beCause our answer to these 10 questions is yes . damian mallard , esq .
Mallard Law Firm , P . A . 889 North Washington Blvd . Sarasota , Florida 34236 ( P ) 941-952-1682 www . MallardLawFirm . com
* Rules regulating the Florida Bar permit a 25 % referral fee without any involvement of the referral attorney other than making the introduction to the client . Any additional fees require court approval and involvement of the referring attorney in the handling of the personal injury matter .