The Docket November 2020 | Page 9

SCD Board of Directors 2020 – 2021

This Christmas will be different . Traditionally , the South County Division raises money from the local firms to give thanks to the court staff at the R . L . Anderson building each December . We have a catered lunch complete with desert and plenty of holiday cheer . In the past few years , we have incorporated a charitable giving element as well , asking that attendees bring donations for The Twig , a local charity benefiting children in foster care . Although we cannot get together in person this year , we still plan on giving thanks to the court staff by purchasing lunch for delivery to them in coordination with a townhall meeting on December 15 . Maybe we will get Bryan Kessler to lead us in a carol or two as well . Virtually , of course .

This year has presented challenges . Although I am personally thankful for many things , I know that there are so many challenges right now and people in the community that are suffering , including colleagues . I am thankful to be part of this legal community and the Sarasota County community . Despite our differences and disagreements at times , I believe we come together to face adversity and have managed to serve our clients throughout this challenge . And there will be continuing challenges . As I write this , the state eviction moratorium has been

Christmas traditions will look different this year

Anthony G . Mowry , Esq . Mowry Law Office lifted , which may result in many people needing help to protect their rights or to simply survive in this economic climate . I have confidence that our legal community will rise to the challenge .
As part of this article , we were asked to incorporate a story about a family holiday tradition . Until I went off to Chicago for college , I thought boiled shrimp for Christmas Eve was a traditional meal . My grandfather , who was a wallpaper hanger , frequently would work down on Boca Grande . Every year , he would stop at the Placida Fish Market to pick up fresh Gulf shrimp right off the boats . My earliest memories are of that enormous
President Anthony Mowry
President-Elect Patrick Reilly
Treasurer Erin Itts
Secretary AJ Stickley
Immediate Past President Bryan Kessler shrimp bowl on the dining room table . My sister and I would scarf as many as we could before opening presents . My grandfather died a number of years ago and the Placida Fish Market moved from the docks , but you can bet my kids know how to peel a shrimp and will be scarfing them down on Christmas Eve this year .
I hope you will join me for a Zoom Trivia Happy Hour on November 13 at 6:00 p . m . I want to specifically thank our new board members , Dawn Marie Bates-Buchanan , Mark Creech , and Kayla
Tipple , for committing to the board and taking on projects for which we really have no blueprint .

SCD Board of Directors 2020 – 2021

DIRECTORS Lance Ball Dawn Marie Bates-Buchanan Mark Creech Jacqulyn Mack-Majka Kayla Tipple

Much ado about stuffing

By MARK CREECH , Esq . Law Offices of Mark A . Creech , PLLC

Every year , nearing the holidays , my wife and I have a spirited debate over which traditions , if any , we will be honoring that year . Christmas morning with the family , the traditional Thanksgiving day swim ( just because , in Florida , we can ), or Christmas Eve fried shrimp ( a Catholic tradition on my wife ’ s side ), just to name a few . But of course , the first tradition we have to address is the Thanksgiving meal My wife ’ s point is that the holidays are

Mark Creech , Esq . Law Offices of Mark A . Creech , PLLC
not the holidays without tradition – like the traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey , stuffing , cranberry sauce , mashed potatoes , bread , pumpkin pie , etc . My point is that I sometimes think people use tradition as an excuse for not trying something new .
To prove my point , I started looking into the origins of Thanksgiving traditions . I was surprised to learn that the “ first Thanksgiving ,” way back in 1621 , had no pie , no potatoes , no sweet cranberry sauce , and likely no bread as we know it . Instead , it likely included venison , duck , lobster , clams , and other shellfish . The Native Americans had corn and cranberries , but no modern methods of preparing either . It was a three-day event , including games ( not of the football variety ) and military exercises . Nobody thought of the event as a “ family affair ” so much as a “ thank whomever you pray to that we are still alive ” affair . And the Native American and Pilgrim supplies , while worthy of gratitude , were not so plentiful that someone said , “ let ’ s take this pigeon and stick it in this duck and jam the whole thing in this wild turkey .”
So , if we were going to be entirely See HOLIDAY , Page 16
The Docket · November 2020 9