The Docket May 2021 | Page 9

CDI Board of Directors 2020 – 2021 DIRECTORS Jay Castle Warren Chin Cathi Carson-Freymann David Fugett Adria Jensen Lisa Kleinberg Alexis Rosenberg Rudy Vazmina Tamara Williams

Face to face with Karimu Hill-Harvey , CDI Chair

EDITORS ’ NOTE : We introduce a new feature in The Docket : “ Face to Face ,” where we profile and ask questions of current Bar leaders to allow our readers to get to know them on a more personal level . We have been unable to meet in person since the onset of the COVID19 pandemic . We look forward to a time soon when you can see these amazing people “ face to face ” and ask them your own questions !
F2F : Can you tell us a little about your personal / professional experiences that prompted you to become an active member of the SCBA and the CDI ?
KHH : I originally moved from New Jersey to Sarasota for the beautiful weather ! Once I arrived here , I saw Sarasota as a place of great potential , but I did not see many other African Americans involved in the Bar . My late husband , Balozi R . M . Z Harvey , was a diplomat to the United Nations , an influential community organizer and activist , and a leader to many worldwide organizations . He dedicated his life to building cultural bridges ; promoting economic trade and investments ; technology advancement and political development between Pan-African diaspora communities and developing countries ; and forging relations between people of all nationalities and races both domestically and internationally . He was my mentor and a huge influence on my life . My husband encouraged me to attend law school and to pursue a career as a lawyer and a judge . After he passed away , I knew I had to continue his mission to carry forth as so much more remains to be done . My involvement in the SCBA and the CDI are just a few of the ways I seek to honor his memory and to leave a legacy to my future generation . My daughter Nurisha Harvey recently took the bar exam and my grandchildren Amari Lopez and Aliciana Harvey-Lopez have been serving as a Teen Court volunteers for the past few years . It is important that “ each one teach one ” so that we pass down valuable and solid principles to future generations .
F2F : What are some of your past
Bar experiences that you have found most fulfilling ?
KHH : I have served as Chair of the Council for Diversity & Inclusion for the past two years . I have enjoyed spearheading the CDI ’ s panel discussions / town halls centered on diversity issues that affect our legal community . I am still getting calls and emails about previous panels , and I think the monthly discussions have made an impact in our community . An accomplishment that is worthy to highlight is my assistance with the Garland scholarship program , which is finally fully endowed . I also love working with the students at the Booker Law Academy as the children are our future . My goal is to continue to be an influential role model to encourage their young minds to pursue the practice of law and help make their dreams a reality . If you don ’ t plant the seeds , nothing
Chair Judge Karimu Hill- Harvey
Chair-Elect Ilyas Sayeg
Secretary Lisa Gallagher
Treasurer Colton Castro

CDI Board of Directors 2020 – 2021 DIRECTORS Jay Castle Warren Chin Cathi Carson-Freymann David Fugett Adria Jensen Lisa Kleinberg Alexis Rosenberg Rudy Vazmina Tamara Williams

will grow … but you have to continue to nourish the plants as well .
F2F : What are three things most people don ’ t know about you ?
KHH : 1 . I had the privilege of hosting Nelson and Winnie Mandela at my home in New Jersey when he was freed from prison in South Africa . I also had the privilege of meeting the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in-person at the White House .
2 . I am an active member of the Sarasota Sailing Squadron ’ s “ Luffing Lassies ” and I love getting out on the water . I am the first African American female member of the Squadron . I am also a certified archery instructor , love to play golf , and go to the shooting range .
3 . My late husband made over 200 trips to Africa and the Caribbean . I accompanied him on many of those trips . We collected hundreds of pieces of art and artifacts . Our collection has been described as “ one of the premier private collections of African art ” and has been featured in the New Jersey Star-Ledger newspaper and other news outlets .
F2F : What do you enjoy most about the SCBA ?
KHH : The camaraderie and the willingness of everyone to share and discuss their opinions . It feels good to be involved with an organization that genuinely wants to make a change . I am enjoying retirement , and I am encouraged to see younger attorneys / Bar leaders advocating for change and addressing the inequities within the profession and society at large .
ADVISORY BOARD Judge Rochelle Curley Judge David Denkin Keith DuBose Charlie Ann Syprett Scott Westheimer Judge Charles Williams
The Docket · May 2021 9