Sleep - Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep per night . >
Make Time to Unwind - For stress relief , take deep breaths , stretch , or do an activity you enjoy . >
Connect with Others - Talk with people you trust about how you ’ re feeling and express gratitude . >
Eat Healthy - Reach for healthy options like fruits and vegetables instead of salty or sugary treats . >
Move More , Sit Less - Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week . >
Rethink Your Drink - Substitute water for sugary or alcoholic drinks to reduce calories . >
Don ’ t Use Tobacco - You can quit today ! Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free support . >
Be Sun Safe - Wear layered clothes and apply broad-spectrum sunscreen . >
Brush Your Teeth - Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste .
PUBLISHER | Holly Lipps , SCBA Executive Director CO-EDITORS | Jill Bowen and Adam Shapiro EDITORIAL COMMITTEE | Kate Fall , Mallory Moretti , William Motherway , Adam Portnow DESIGN AND EDITORIAL CONSULTATION |
Jan Oglesby
Interested contributors may submit article ideas to the editors at scba @ sarasotabar . com . The Docket is published 10 months a year . Deadline is the first Friday of the preceding month of the publication .
All articles printed herein are property of the Sarasota County Bar Association and may not be reprinted without permission . Opinions expressed in The Docket are those of the authors only and are not opinions of the SCBA .