THE DOCKET - January 2022 | Page 18


10 Minutes Makes All the Difference

These days , it would be difficult to find anyone who would disagree that eating right , getting sufficient sleep , exercising regularly , and increasing mindfulness through things such as deep breathing or mediation provide significant health benefits . Research even shows that engaging in daily exercise improves not only our physical wellbeing but also mental health . Ironically , those who stand to benefit most , due to their busy and stressful lifestyles , are the ones who are least likely to carve out the time . Most working professionals push things like exercise and meditation to the bottom of their to-do list .
I am guilty as charged . When faced with the option of hitting the gym or heading home to my family , I am likely to choose the latter . However , years of sitting at a desk sedentary for most of the day and injuries from my youth have caught up with me . A few years ago , while trying to find a way to alleviate chronic back pain , I discovered tons of short but effective but highly effective tenminute yoga routines online and gave morning yoga a shot .
I now start my day , every day , with a ten-minute morning yoga sequence . I can attest to the huge impact just a little bit of yoga can make because when I skip it , and seldom do , I am painfully reminded of my poor decision all day . In those ten minutes , my body goes from feeling stiff and achy to loose and energized . As
a bonus , taking time to start the day calmly in the quiet dimly lit room , before hitting the stopwatch on my daily grind , brings focus and clarity for the tasks ahead .
The myriad of options available on YouTube , allows me to change it up each day to avoid getting bored . With technology literally in the palm of our hands , it is easy to stick with this commitment even while on vacation . There are even five-minute options , for when you are really pressed for time , and yoga in bed options which allow you to get your stretch on before your feet even hit the floor . Those who have never done yoga or are hesitant to try it , may be surprised at how easy it can be . Whether you want to relieve stress , alleviate sore muscles , or just improve the start of your day morning yoga may be the deep breath of fresh air you have been looking for . �
by Adria M . Jensen , Esq . Shumaker , Loop & Kendrick , LLP