The Docket January 2021 | Page 11

CDI Board of Directors 2020 – 2021 DIRECTORS Jay Castle Warren Chin Cathi Carson-Freymann David Fugett Adria Jensen Lisa Kleinberg Alexis Rosenberg Rudy Vazmina Tamara Williams
By CHARLIE ANN SYPRETT , Esq . Past Chair , SCBA Council for Diversity & Inclusion Chair , The Florida Bar Standing Committee on Diversity & Inclusion


am honored to serve , for the second year , as the Chair of the Florida Bar ’ s Committee on Diversity and Inclusion . Over 200 lawyers sought to serve on this Committee of about eighty lawyers . It is a tribute to the success of the SCBA ’ s Diversity Council that two lawyers from the SCBA were appointed to serve with me : Erin Christy and Jade Davis . The Committee ’ s far-reaching work is divided among six standing sub-committees . Further , in an enhanced effort to ensure minority representation and leadership participation throughout the Bar , we now work closely with designated liaisons from each of the Bar ’ s sections .
It has been both inspiring and enlightening to interface with such dedicated and talented lawyers from across the state . They each offer a different perspective depending upon their jurisdiction , from the internationally flavored city of Miami to the more rural and conservative jurisdictions of northern Florida . Despite these differences , we remain committed to and razor focused on our mission to encourage and promote diversity and inclusiveness in all aspects of the Bar , our profession , legal education , and in the justice system .
This year we have worked diligently to connect with the many voluntary bars throughout the State . Recognizing that we are stronger together , we want all VBAs to know that , in addition to our grants program , we stand ready to collaborate or help in any way we can . Together , we have created some extraordinary programs . Below is just a sampling of what we are working on . I will continue to keep the SCBA informed and involved in our efforts .
The JNC process
Committed to demystifying the JNC process , we will present “ The JNC Path to the Bench ” on January 26 , 2021 , 12 noon to 1 p . m . Judge Tanya Brinkley will lead an esteemed panel as they discuss the

Florida Bar follows SCBA ’ s lead in diversity effort

Charlie Ann Syprett , Esq . Past Chair , SCBA Council for Diversity & Inclusion Chair , The Florida Bar Standing Committee on Diversity & Inclusion
entire process of getting on the bench from the initial application , to the interview , to meeting the governor . Anyone harboring a desire to become a judge will want to join in on this . The Zoom link will be provided to the SCBA at a later date .
Health and Wellness
While awareness has been raised about the prevalence of mental health issues among lawyers , there has been little conversation of the disparate impact of these issues on minorities and the possible structural barriers in our profession ’ s rules , policies , and procedures for lawyers or applicants of the profession to obtain treatment . On January 13 , 2021 , at noon , Attorney Matt Dietz of the Disability and Independence Group will discuss the current practices of our profession and how we compare with the practices of other states . Stay tuned for the Zoom link . More recently , our Gender Equality Sub-committee presented a discussion on the impact of the pandemic on women lawyers .
Path to Unity
Inspired by the SCBA ’ s award winning WE ARE SARASOTA . Judge Williams and I again teamed up to create a curriculum that tells the story of the Bar ’ s own “ Path to Unity ” against the backdrop of our nation ’ s civil rights history . We inserted the stories of five legendary lawyers , selected by the Committee , who made significant and lasting
Chair Judge Karimu Hill- Harvey
Chair-Elect Ilyas Sayeg
Secretary Lisa Gallagher
Treasurer Colton Castro contributions to changing historic misperceptions and who paved the path for those who came afterwards . They are : James Weldon Johnson , the first Black lawyer to gain admission to the Florida Bar , and author of the words to “ Lift Every Voice and Sing ,” the national anthem to millions of Black Americans ; Anna Brenner Meyers , the founder and first President of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers ; Hon . Mario Goderich , the founder and first President of the Cuban American Bar Association ; Larry D . Smith , a tireless advocate for the LGBTQ community and the first openly gay member to serve on the Supreme Court Commission of Florida ; and , James
Kracht , a blind and fierce advocate for blind lawyers in Florida .
We commissioned student artists to paint portraits of these legends . Four of the artists attend Ringling College . During the next three years the portraits will travel across the state to hang in the local courthouses of participating voluntary bar associations until they return to Tallahassee to be permanently displayed in the halls of the Florida Bar Offices . While the paintings are on display in a local Courthouse , lawyers from that jurisdiction will visit schools to present the curriculum . The students will then tour the courthouse and view the paintings . As in WE ARE SARASOTA , students will clearly see the vital role of the law in shaping our nation ’ s history . We are also encouraging local bars to present the program at any local
See DIVERSITY , Page 17

CDI Board of Directors 2020 – 2021 DIRECTORS Jay Castle Warren Chin Cathi Carson-Freymann David Fugett Adria Jensen Lisa Kleinberg Alexis Rosenberg Rudy Vazmina Tamara Williams

ADVISORY BOARD Judge Rochelle Curley Judge David Denkin Keith DuBose Charlie Ann Syprett Scott Westheimer Judge Charles Williams
The Docket · January 2021 11