Over the years , many SCBA members have contributed gifts to this scholarship fund . Since the fund ’ s inception , $ 150,000 has been granted to benefit students . Twenty-nine ( 29 ) law school students have benefited individually by receiving up to a $ 5,000 scholarship awarded to their law school and have also obtained an internship / clerkship in Sarasota County during the summer between the law school student ’ s second and third year of law school . Eight ( 8 ) Booker High School Law Academy students have benefited individually by receiving a $ 1,000 scholarship grant to their college or university .
In addition to the Richard R . Garland Diversity Scholarship Fund , the SCBA also has four ( 4 ) other charitable funds held with the Community Foundation of Sarasota County . Two ( 2 ) funds are donor advised funds ( similar to small private foundations or charitable accounts ), which provide the SCBA with flexibility in making charitable grants to any 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) tax-exempt organization located in Sarasota County on behalf of its members . There is also a SCBA Diversity and Inclusion Fund to support and benefit the diversity and inclusion initiatives of the SCBA , which has awarded $ 5,550 in grants since its inception in 2019 .
The fifth fund was created to honor former SCBA Executive Director , Jan Jung , for her outstanding service to the SCBA . The Jan Jung Fund to Promote the Study of Law in Sarasota Schools was established to support projects or initiatives in Sarasota elementary , middle , or high school , public or private , that promote law-related education or careers . Members of the SCBA may continue to make charitable contributions to any of the above-named funds held at the Community Foundation of Sarasota County .
The Community Foundation ’ s Partnership with the SCBA
In 2015 , the Community Foundation of Sarasota County began to provide significant support to the SCBA by becoming a Platinum sponsor . Since then , the Community Foundation ’ s support of the SCBA has not only continued year after year , but it has also grown . In addition to providing a $ 25,000 annual grant to the SCBA , the Community Foundation has been the premier event sponsor for much of the SCBA ’ s signature programing or events , including this year ’ s upcoming Barrister ’ s Ball .
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In addition to the Community Foundation ’ s support of the SCBA ’ s programing , since 2006 , the foundation has offered a three-part Distinguished Speakers Series each year . The series , which provides CLE credits for the topic presented , is an opportunity for local professional advisors to network , receive credits , and learn from nationally renowned experts in estate planning , trust administration , and tax planning . These speakers travel to Sarasota to present on current wealth , estate , charitable and tax planning trends and topics .
If you are looking for more information on what the ommunity foundation has to offer or are interested in making a contribution to one of the five ( 5 ) SCBA funds , please visit : https :// www . cfsarasota . org . �