Make Time for Your Health
by Janella Leibovitz , Esq . Legal Aid of Manasota
I battled serious health issues before , but I never imagined that neglecting my self-care would cause such catastrophic consequences for me , my work family , and my family . In 2008 I worked for a local law firm . That meant early mornings and late evenings , a lot of coffee , and a lot of meals in my car . I had chest pain which I ignored . The long story short is I had a 99 percent blockage in my right coronary artery which required a stent in 2008 and two more stents in 2016 . I am sad to say that I still did not wake up about taking my health seriously , lowering my stress level , and getting my health act together .
Work , I am sad to say , has always been my priority -- more important than my health and often more important than my family . This is a lesson for all of us . We cannot help clients from the hospital or from bed rest . We cannot give them our best if we are not taking care of ourselves . We can ’ t be there for our family if they are taking care of us . Intellectually , I knew that I had to put my health first , but what would happen to all the people I had to please and all my responsibilities if I put me first ? I was about to find out .
In August of 2023 I went for a routine mammogram . OK , so maybe it wasn ’ t so routine since my last mammogram was in 2018 , but I patted myself on the back because I went and if I ’ m honest , I would have skipped it without the support of my husband and my work family .
I went for the mammogram , yay me . Unfortunately , that mammogram would change the trajectory of my life . The mammogram led to an ultrasound , which led to a biopsy , which led to an MRI which led to a diagnosis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma ( IDC ). IDC accounts for about 80 % of all invasive breast cancers in women and 90 % in men .
So , I have breast cancer . My first thought was I don ’ t have time for cancer , I can ’ t miss work . I ’ m lucky , I work at Legal Aid of Manasota , Inc . and when I got sick there was a new rule at the office : I wouldn ’ t be in
trouble for going to an appointment , I would be in trouble for missing an appointment .
Upon consultation with my primary care physician , oncologist , radiation oncologist , reconstructive surgeon , and my family I made the tough decision to have a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction . It was very surreal , everything happened so fast . I can honestly say I was not prepared . You can read as much literature , watch innumerable You Tube videos , get sound medical opinions and still not be ready . I became fixated on what to pack in my bag to go to the hospital . I ordered everything that was on Amazon ’ s mastectomy list .
All that being said , I still had not confronted the fact that I have cancer . I have no family history and do not have the BRCA genes . For me this came out of left field . Initially , I didn ’ t want anyone to know . Then I came to the hard conclusion that you must let people in to help you on any journey and to make sure something similar does not happen to them . I shared my diagnosis with my work family and some close colleagues . I shared with the judges that I regularly appear before so that my absence would be explained . I articulated to clients that I was going on medical leave and why . Each person whom I shared my diagnosis with was supportive and helpful .
My story does not have to be your story . I can count my missteps , but that doesn ’ t help anyone . The best advice I have is to not be me . Find a doctor that you like , go to your appointments , take that walk , exercise , stop eating in your car , actually sit at the table , get your yearly mammogram . When I first started practicing law someone gave me a pad of post it notes that had a little saying : “ when you are gone your inbox will still be full .” My inbox is full , but I am managing . I feel very fortunate . Every day is a chance to do something right to put your health and self-care first . In the end everyone wins . �