To answer the question asked in the title , no , I do not think Sarasota attorneys have a Professionalism problem . My experience has been that Sarasota attorneys generally file certain motions when absolutely necessary and after the professional courtesy calls . We don ’ t file borderline frivolous lawsuits ( on purpose ). We are respectful of holidays , schedules , and personal struggles . But especially in this new age of digital court , there are more and more attorneys located outside Sarasota who are now able to practice in Sarasota who may not be used to the Professionalism we practice . It is important for us to model our Professionalism for these out-of-town attorneys so that they can become accustomed to , and continue to foster , the Professionalism that we have worked so hard to cultivate in our community . I know that any attorney reading this article will already be doing this , so to all of you who are still with me I say , “ Thank you ,” and let ’ s keep up the Professionalism . For those of you just learning about , and upset over , the two-credit course , they also reduced the minimum required hours by three . You ’ re welcome . �
. Arbitration . Virtual or In-Person .
Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by The Florida Bar Represented Plaintiffs and Defendants Former Plaintiff-side Personal Injury Attorney Former Medical Malpractice Defense Attorney Southwest Florida Resident Since 2005 Office in Collier County , Florida
Chad T . Brazzeal , Esquire Chad @ BrazzealMediation . com
( 239 ) 821-0069 BrazzealMediation . com Schedule Online