The Docket - February 2023 | Page 4


Face to Face with

Circuit Court Judge Charles E . Williams by Jay Frank Castle , Esq ., Level Mediation LLC

We recently had a chance to sit down with Judge Charles Williams . He was kind enough to make time in his busy schedule to tell us a little about himself and to share his thoughts about Black History Month .
Who had the most influence on your legal career and why ?
My older sister , Jacqueline Hubbard , greatly influenced my decision to become a lawyer . She was one of the first Martin Luther King , Jr . Scholars at Boston University in the late 60s . She later worked as a public defender in Oakland , California and was very active in social justice issues . I was also influenced by the Honorable James B . Sanderlin . Judge Sanderlin was a family friend and a leader in the effort to desegregate Florida ’ s schools . He later was the first African American Judge on the Second District Court of Appeals in Florida . He actually swore me in as a new judge .
What do you most enjoy about your work as a Circuit Judge ?
I think it is the ability to impact other people , even in small ways . I see my judicial work as a form of hands-on public service . We impact individuals every day , especially in small claims , or evictions , or guardianships . These are the most meaningful cases to me .
What was your most satisfying experience as a practitioner ?
I really enjoyed my work at the public defender ’ s office . It can be tough to develop a successful win / loss record there but I consider that work to be very impactful . I was able to represent some people at the lowest point of their lives and to help them navigate the legal system . I have a sincere calling to that work – a sense of compassion for people who find themselves in bad situations .
What is your favorite movie and why ?
I actually have two favorites . “ The Verdict ” starring Paul Newman , which is an excellent portrayal of life as a trial lawyer . And “ Cool Hand Luke ,” also starring Paul Newman , which is a dramatization of the experiences of prisoners at a Florida work camp . Both should be mandatory viewing for lawyers .
What activities do you enjoy most when you aren ’ t working ?
I really enjoy being outdoors here in Sarasota – the weather is great , and I am an avid golfer . I ’ m also interested in the cultural side of Sarasota – the theatres , the arts , the film festival , etc . Speaking of films , I ’ m an amateur film maker and I have created several now . I ’ m currently working on a new project with retired Judge Durand Adams . The working title is “ Fish Fry .” It ’ s a celebration of a weekly Friday gathering of folks in Palmetto . We were inspired when we simply stopped one afternoon to have a meal , and we ended up sitting and talking with these folks for hours .
What advice would you give younger lawyers just starting out in trial practice ?
Find the smartest , brightest lawyers they know and follow them around in their practice . Watch them in trial . We can learn a lot from observing – just sitting in the courtroom and watching good lawyers do their work . I also suggest they do this with a variety of practitioners – civil , criminal , family law . If you take it all in , you can learn and grow even if it isn ’ t your specific area of focus .
How about the older lawyers – any messages for them ?
Keep fighting the good fight . Actively seek out opportunities to mentor younger lawyers . Take the initiative to correct mistaken behaviors when you see them – be a teacher and a solid role model .
February is Black History Month . Any thoughts or reflections you ’ d like to share ?
The legal profession has a long way to go before we are truly representative of people of color in this community . Frankly , it ’ s hard to believe that I am the first and still the only male African American judge in this Circuit . We need more representation in private law firms , especially at the leadership levels . But we must keep hope alive . We continue to encourage lawyers of color to consider this area . The programs of the [ Sarasota County Bar Association ] Council for Diversity and Inclusion are helping in this regard . It ’ s been a privilege and a pleasure to serve as a judge here , and I ’ m looking forward to continuing that work and encouraging others to reach their full potential . �