The Divine Cool Breeze volume 27 number 6 (2014) | Page 4

1989.05.21 1 the truth is going to make us beautiful I can go on talking about Buddha for days together. There is no end to it. He is the one who has taught us so many beautiful things by His own life. And if we have to really imbibe His spirit within ourselves, we have to have that detachment from within. As every religion is ruined by the followers, Buddha said, “Don’t worship, don’t even talk of God.” He said, “Don’t talk of God, just talk of Self Realization. First let them have Self Realization and don’t worship anything.” He said “just don’t worship” because He knew there was nothing to be worshipable. But they have got stupas and they worship this and they worship that – no end to it. They said, “These are the teeth of Buddha.” I mean, how can you have the teeth of Buddha? When Buddha died, you mean He took out His teeth or what? These are Buddha’s teeth they are worshipping? There are no vibrations. I saw it. It was nothing. I can understand hair or nails, but His teeth are everywhere being worshipped. I know My Sahaja Yogis cannot spoil much of Sahaja Yoga. If they do, they will lose their vibrations. So be careful on that. But with ego, I have seen people, they even lose their vibrations, “No I’m all right, oh, I’m getting all the vibrations....” Befooling yourself is the job of ego, so be careful. On today’s great occasion, let us think of the hazardous time He had and the way He has created for us this Sahaja Yoga, that we are bathing in the light of their compassion, their hard work, their dedication, their sacrifices, all that. The truth is going to make us beautiful.