The District Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 2, Summer 2016 | Page 28

5 Health Tips for a Better Summer by Jimmy Barker Summertime is a great time of year to be outside and enjoy life with family and friends. But, let's face it; sometimes, getting outside in the summer heat can make us feel self-conscious about our bodies and we realize we just don't have the energy to keep up like we used to. We all know that eating properly and exercising is important, but here are five tips about getting healthy for the summer that you might not know. 1. NUTRITION - While portion control matters, food choices are even more important. Focus on eating organic vegetables to avoid pesticides, high-quality meats to avoid hormones, and healthy fats to start feeling better and seeing results. It's important that you don't forget the good fats (i.e. avocado, coconut oil, free range vegetarian eggs, wild caught salmon, etc.) to provide you with mental clarity and energy. You need to eat fat to burn fat! I know, I know…we all like carbs, but you need to make a decision. Do you want results or not? It's not that you have to avoid carbs altogether, but you should do everything you can to avoid gluten. Gluten-filled carbohydrates create inflammation and water retention, which can make that belly look bigger than it is. So, I highly recommend avoiding those gluten filled beers if you want to look lean this summer! 2. RELAX - Get out of the house and have fun with family and friends. Stress is a major enemy to your health. You can eat right, exercise daily, optimize your hormones, and still have significant health problems because of stress. Find a regular outlet, such as walking, meditation, reading, or anything else you enjoy. And, I hate to break it to you…having a glass of wine every night does not count as a healthy way to relax. You would need to drink ten bottles of wine to receive benefits from the small amounts of resveratrol in wine. 3. SUN - Vitamin D is essential for over 300+ processes in your body; yet, because of our lifestyles, it is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world. So, get out and get some sun, but be careful with your choice of sunscreen lotion. 75% of sunscreen lotions are filled with toxic chemicals that can disrupt hormones, cause estrogenic effects in your body, and may increase our risk of cancer. The best sunscreen is a hat and a shirt, but where's the fun in that? In general, mineral or "natural" sunscreen brands that do not include things such as oxybenzone and oxtinoxate are the safest. SPF 15 to 30 is generally enough to limit the UVB rays to reduce burning while allowing enough UVB's to get through for the production of Vitamin D. If possible, find a sunscreen that also protects against UVA to avoid premature aging of your skin. 4. ENERGY - While you are at the beach soaking up those rays, make sure to take a walk in the wet sand. Ever heard of "earthing"? It may sound odd, but science backs it up. Our bodies were not designed 28