The District Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 2, Summer 2016 | Page 40

Ed “ Eddy ” Suyak

Managing Director and Group Publisher Mashed Media Group www . mashedmediagroup . com
1 . Why did you create The District Magazine ? I ’ ve been asked this a lot . We publish several other magazines that have been around for years that are great . However , they are B2B or very niche in the since they have a specific audience . It ’ s pretty simple ; I wanted to publish something fun that I would read , and it was the right time for the urban districts of Tampa to have a platform .
2 . What is the secret to the success of the magazine ? I ' ve always been a huge magazine fan . They provide great entertainment , knowledge and ideas with very little time invested . However , the success of any magazine title is to give more to the readership than you take . Good articles provide a reason for people to look at the ads . If the majority of a magazine is advertising , overtime , the readership will place no value on it . The District is local , organic and for the people . We publish all of our magazines with a 60 / 40 content to advertising ratio .
3 . Can you give a hint to what will be in the next issue ? I will give you this much ; I love reading about movers and shakers . There is something special about reading an article on someone making big moves in a humble way .
4 . If you could interview anyone in the world , who would it be and why ? My Grandfather ! He had passed before I was born . Although I never met him , I feel like I have through all the great stories . I know he watches over me so it would be priceless to hear his feedback .
5 . What is your summer guilty pleasure ? Brownies and ice cream .
6 . Are you a beach or pool person ? I love hotel pools on the beach .
7 . Finish this sentence : During the summer , I ’ ll drink lots of … Bourbon , Local Brews , Moscow Mules and WATER !