The District Magazine Vol. 1 Issue 2, Summer 2016 | Page 16

Natalie Nicole Sychocka CEO/Head Trainer of Bodies by Natalie Nicole 1. What do you enjoy most about personal training? Helping people motivate themselves to change their lives for the better. 2. What are the hardest three bad habits to give up when trying to lose weight or tone up? Skipping meals, not drinking enough water, and avoiding progress photo comparisons with their coach. Food is fuel, and without food, your body (metabolism) won’t move forward. It’s a very common misconception that you have to eat less to look better. By skipping meals, and depriving your body of the nutrition and energy you need; your body cannot function, let alone lose fat, tone up, or allow you to pursue a healthy and happy lifestyle. 3. Who is the perfect candidate for your personal training program and why? Anyone that has a fitness goal in mind and is willing to work hard to achieve it! 4. Is there a 360° approach to your fitness program and if so explain? Absolutely! The food you eat is equally, and sometimes even more important than the training itself. I like to explain it like this, “If you don’t have gas in the tank, you won’t get very far.” With that being said, it has to be the right type of fuel; which is why I take a very hands on approach by also including macro advice, holistic guidance, and frequent check-ins to ensure the best quality, results and learning experience. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Driving to Rita’s Italian Ice and ordering a large cherry Gelato after a nice, long day basking in the sun, on St. Pete or Clearwater beach. 6. Are you a beach or pool person? Both, and at the same time is even better!!! 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Water! If you know me, you know what I always say… “Hydrate to look great!” :) 16 16 Chris Cavallini CEO and Founder of Nutrition Solutions and Clean Cheatz 1. When did you open Nutrition Solutions and what are the top three ingredients that make it a success? Nutrition Solutions started in 2011 and our success is a direct result from our commitment