THE DIRT Issue 2 | Page 15

DAF’s Bob Shepherd and Stan Fordham, of Emohruo. Isobel Sloan, of Hillview, leads the way to check out erosion features she and her husband Gary have treated. Works included surface water diversion banks, installing of rock chutes and gabion baskets, reshaping erosion areas, and seeding topsoil on reshaped areas. All on-ground works were carried out by local contractors. Landholders used their own machinery and tools for some works to minimise costs. Glencore provided in-kind support through sharing expertise and knowledge in landscape remediation techniques, and also provided the majority of rock for the rock chutes. This contribution from a key mining stakeholder in the BBB catchment would not have been possible without the support of the LDC Influencing Other Land Managers activity a ea. Bob Shepherd and Stan Fordham, of Emohruo. Emohruo gabion basket installation. 15