JCU’s Natasha
Ryan explains
biodiversity survey
methods being
carried out at
Mt Pleasant.
Grazier Grant Holmes
inspects some of
the critters located
on-site during the first
biodiversity survey.
JCU’s Eric Nordberg
explains biodiversity
survey methods being
carried out at
Mt Pleasant.
“One of the aims for ‘The Hub’ is to
create a meeting place for all sorts of
folk to come together and share ideas
about grazing, ecology and everything in
It will be a demonstration site for a range
of grazing techniques, erosion control,
technology and biodiversity monitoring.
We’re very interested to explore a
particular line of enquiry: biodiversity,
productivity, and profitability – can they
be mutually beneficial?
Garlone Moulin, Mt Pleasant
Mt Pleasant
landholder Jamie
Gordon explains
historical grazing
land management.
practices to JCU