Mt Wickham before.
Mt Wickham rehabilitation
works completed.
Verterra’s Glenn Dale, explains the design and
construct phases of the Mt Wickham project.
Looking beyond the projec
LDC’s goal is to produce a high resolution spatial map of active gullies,
and a long-term rehabilitation investment prioritisation plan for the
This plan will:
Mt Wickham site several weeks after
rehabilitation, 745mm rain fell on the site
in two months.
• outline a scientifically obust strategy for cost-effective landscape
remediation in the catchment;
• include landholder advice and input on the practicalities of
implementation, particularly for smaller erosion features across
large areas; and
• categorise solutions into those that: can be achieved by
landholders; require dedicated public investment; and may require
a hybrid of both of these approaches.
Damon Telfer, Fruition Environmental Consultancy, explains the various gully remediation
treatments that are being trialled at Strathalbyn Station, at a ‘shared learnings’ walking
the landscape field da .
Mt Wickham gully before works.
Mt Wickham gully after.