The Diogenes June 2014 | Page 22

MADD Certs

Medical Apparatus Disapproved Documented Certifications

We at The Diogenes understand that continuing education and CE credits are essential to maintaining certifications and help you stay up to date on current practices. We have put together learning material along with quizzes to test your understanding of the material. You can print the certificate page and fill out the name to earn you CE credits….on the other hand; they are useless so why bother.

Medical Device Knobologist Level 1 This certifitcation is worth at least (-) 1 credit.

A Black Belt Certified Medical Device Knobologist is an individual who knows, or can acquire the information from an operation manual or other reliable source, on what each button, knob, or other control does on a medical device. Before the application of electronics to medical devices, these instruments used for diagnosing or treating patients mainly had handles and levers. Prior to BMETs, these handologist/leverologist practiced "whatdoesthatthingdo-ology". This was a dangerous

way to approach medical devices. You may know some modern BMETs who still practices the ancient ways of our ancestors. Whatdoesthatthingdo-ology, all though very useful in it's time, led many technicians to do more harm than good. Medical device graveyards were on the rise, and the ROI to have a person manage the equipment was very low.

Today we still struggle to get literature from the manufacturer but the issue doesn't lay there. The literature we do get, is hardly ever utilized by todays technician. This certification will explain the importance of