The Digital Conglomerate Magazine Inc June 2014 Issue | Page 25
down into laymen terminology
that the average person could
understand and appreciate. For
certain this project was going to
get the audience buzzing and
passing along phrases to each
other that would be topics of
conversation for years to come.
As the time passed along sip
by sip everything was becoming
clear. The arrangement and
precision of the words spilling
onto the digital notebook began
taking a life of it’s own. The
words began to demand that the
message communicate a style
which could not be confused as
the work of a combination of
previous artists who had the
natural talent of spilling their
influence into long scripts and
defining pieces. No, one cup
didn’t do the trick.
Gazing off into the distance
and out the front window of the
office just might be the quick
solution that was going to work.
Cuffing the JAVA mug and
thinking like the JAVA code
talker once again was the first
thing that came to mind. Next of
course the mind wandered to
resorting to the comforts of the
local barista, but this was do it
yourself day. If it is going to be
excellent and done the way it is
supposed to be done then it
must be done with a comforting
style all its own.
pg. 25