The Digestive system Digestive System | Page 8

Health in Other Areas


Liver Disease:

prevalence: 3.0 million people (2011)

Ambulatory care visits: 635,000 (2009) (Cirrhosis


Procedures: 6, 342 (2011) (liver transplants)

Hospitalization: 1.2 million (2010)

Mortality: 42, 923 deaths (2010)

Prescriptions: 731, 000 (2004)


Ancient and medieval anatomists recognized the importance of digestion, they had structured nd cataloged the stomach, colon and intestine parts they principal devided them in 6 parts and the names are the ones we still use.


- Digestive: From the latin "digestus" which means "to carry apart", "carry away" "to separate".

- Intestine: From the latin "intestina", neuter plural of intestinus "internal" from intus "inside".

- Pancreas: From the greek "Pankreas" "sweet bread" from pan "all".