The Desert Light January/February 2017 | Page 10

A Film by the Friends of the

By : Tom Lowe

Friends of the Park Service

“ The Purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls .” - Pablo Picasso
Throughout my career as a TV Commercial Producer , I have filmed all over the world and produced spots for everything from baby diapers , to mud covered trucks , to high fashion beauty products . I have also employed my skills to create media content for non-profit campaigns through public service announcements , political advocacy , and other philanthropic organizations . The non-profit work has been good , some of its award-winning , and filled my desire to ‘ give back ’ on an annual basis .
The two-man show has grown .
I ’ ve always carried a still camera for location scouting , casting and capturing my experiences as I traveled . Four years ago , I decided to take my photographic skills a little further and applied for the artist in residency program at Mojave National Preserve . One man , Bob Killen , and the Superintendent for the National Park Service ran the entire program . It was a lot for two people , but they had big dreams . They accepted my nighttime photography application , and I went on to create an award-winning show , Mojave Moonlight ( http :// tomlowephoto . com / mojave-moonlight /) that has garnered international exhibitions and
Three Dancers - Tom Lowe recognition from several galleries across the United States .
I enjoyed working with Bob and the Park Service so I decided to stay in touch with them and offer my assistance in any way I could . Four years later the little two-man show has grown into the Mojave National Preserve Artists Foundation ( MNPAF ), an official National Park Service Friends Group . I am one of four current board members and will begin my duties as editor-in-chief of this publication with the next issue .
10 THE DESERT LIGHT | Jan / Feb 2017