Glamour in Grey
(with just a touch of red!)
( Here is a blast from the past - it first
appeared in Issue 45, in 2006 - by
Cathryn Wood - Ed)
You will need:
Ebony Black
Titanium (Snow) White
True Red
Pallet and pallet knife for mixing
This does involve some colour mixing -
always take the black paint to the white,
and in tiny amounts -you cam always keep
adding to the white until you achieve the
depth of colour you want.
I have not given exact values for mixing,
just keep referring to the main picture and
use your own judgement. I have found this
method really does help develop your
painting skills.
Prepare the surface and transfer the
outline of the pattern (no need to transfer any of the details at this stage).
Mix a very light value grey and block in the face, neck, and ear
Mix a medium value grey and paint either side of the face
Paint the little bit of hair on the right hand side, and the background with black
Once the base coat is dry transfer all the pattern details
Float a white highlight along the edge of the pattern - this will give the impression of a hat and
collar. Then add tiny dots all along this float. Use the end of your brush or a stylus.
With black, float a shadow all around the edges of the inside of the hat
Float a white highlight on the outer edge of the hair
Float a medium value grey shadow underneath her chin, along the edge of the collar laying
against her neck, and against the edge of her face by the ear
Using a pin prick of black, float the inside of her ear
Paint the nostrils with black - be careful with these!
Float a light value grey shadow down the length of her nose and around the nostrils
Paint the whites of the eye
Paint the pupil with black and the iris a medium value grey
Float a shadow of medium value grey against the hollow of the eye
With a darker value grey float the shadow around the pupil, and then a white highlighter the outer
edge of the iris.
Outline the eye with black and add fine eyelashes and an eyebrow
Add white highlights to the eye
Paint the lips with red, then add a pin prick of black to the red and float a shadow between the
top and bottom lip (on the upper lip, against the lower lip)
Float a back to back white highlight on the lower lip
Dry brush the cheeks with a tiny amount of red